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Negan and his group of people were advancing through the forest unnoticed. Their steps were fast and mute. They went the extra mile only to meet Sally halfway. Negan's inner Sally-Positioning-System was unmistakable. It got him right to her.

"There she is, you were right, sir," one of the guys whispered. "We'll get her."

"No," Negan stopped them while they were still distant and Sally couldn't spot them. She was quite busy at the moment, anyway. "Surround her, don't let her get away, but don't interfere. Let's see her way out of this."

And just like that, just like the first night the two baddies met, Negan stood afar, greenery covering his frame, and he stood there and watched Sally handle the situation. Seemingly with no way out, Negan was sure Sally's going to ace it and find her desertion. Even if she had to grow a pair of wings and deport herself out the roof. Negan waited for her hustle, she could outsmart the dead-freaks any day but that time she chose not to. She jumped down from the branch right into the little crowd.

Negan's body instantly jerked towards her, he was her savior, but Sally could easily prove to him, she was not helpless. She had a plan and she executed it with all her glory right in front of his eyes.

Sally jumped down off the tree, only to land on the back of one of the freaks. The impact threw them away from the other walkers and she bought herself few seconds to deal with the first dead meat before the others could reach her. She grabbed the head of the first walker and as she held him down on the ground with her body weight she pried it's head right of it's spine. After all the time since the beginning the corpses could hardly stick together on their own anyway. The decomposing bodies back on Negan's fence were the proof of that.

Sally temporarily busied another walker by chucking the severed head at him and swiftly moved to her feet and pinpointed the last walker to the tree stem, holding him at the length of her arms. And just when it seemed there was no way out of its uncoordinated hands, she reached into her hair and pulled out one chopstick of her up-do, positioned it right under the walker's chin and drove it all the way up into its head.

She grabbed the falling walker, turned and took its place by the tree stem, using its body as a shield just in time to block the last walker going after her. She shoved the chopsticked walker from her body in believe the last walker would fall down with it. But it didn't, it just backed up, keeping its balance and was off at her once again. Thankfully, chopsticks came in pairs, so Sally could one more time reach into her falling hair, grab the stick and stab it right into the walker's eye.

And just as the last walker fell down to Sally's feet, she could see one more man standing in front of her. Negan.

"Boy, are you in trouble!" He said.


Sally had no time to deal with this. She needed to get to Jesus and she needed to do it right at that moment. Right then, just like the walkers, Negan was just another obstacle in her way. She'd try to run but other Saviors were closing in on her from every direction. He trapped her and that was the only feeling she despised the most.

"I came home to you, Sally. And you weren't there. Do you even realize how deeply that hurt me?" For this part he was his cheery, loud self. But then the storm came and Sally knew she messed up really bad.

"I came home to you and you weren't there but what hit me the most is you took Daryl with you. And I think you know what that means for him... and for you." The playfulness was gone, Sally overstepped, miscalculated, only she wasn't guilty of the crime Negan accused her of. Her only wrong-doing was following her awry mind, her restless heart.

"Negan, you're wrong. I didn't ... I wouldn't ... I was just... I..." Negan drove Sally into a corner. Her back was against a wall - a tree in this case.

"Let me paint you the way I see it," he interrupter her stutter, "I come home, I have one dead Fat Joey, one empty cell and a missing girl who's got a shady past with the prisoner. Do the math. Doesn't look so good, does it?"

"Negan, you have to let me go." The Hilltop suddenly seemed light-years away, when Negan paced closer.

"See, that's where you're wrong." In one nimble move, Negan passed Lucille along to one of his men and grabbed Sally, sweeping her off her feet. He threw her over his shoulder and carried her back to his truck.

However exhausted Sally was, she found it in herself to fight against him. She kicked, pushed, struggled, scratched, but most of all she cried. Tears were streaming down her face, ruining the last of her make-up. Nothing held her hair up anymore, the flowers from her crown scattered and entangled in her hair.

"Negan, please, I have to go find him. I need to go, I have to get to him!" Sally pleaded but Negan was deaf to her then so alluring siren voice. So Sally kept acting up like she was finally going insane. The violence he was using against her at that moment was too much to bear.

By the time he got her back to the Sanctuary, she was unrecognizable. Two other man had to drag her out of the truck, through the corridors and to the cell-block.

"Negan, don't do this," her eyes widened in horror as they cast her into the dark cell.

"Negan, please!" She panicked as the door began to close.

"Negan?!" She was looking for mercy in his eyes. "Negan!" She shrieked desperately like a wild caged animal and grabbed behind the closing door.

"NEGAN!!!" She pounded on the locked door, she kept kicking, trying to pry it open, scratching.

Negan knew what she did the last time he locked her up, the blood he found around every escape route, and there was no doubt there would be more this time. He stood by the door, took Lucille and put her to the shaking door, gathering all his inner strength not to end it right away. But however angry he was, with every Sally's cry a part of him died. And yet, he didn't stop the decomposition, he turned and walked away leaving each of them in their own agony.


Author's Note:

Hearts broken, sweethearts, this hurt to write. 💔

Share your feelings, I'm here to listen.


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