Chapter 15

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Ellie POV

I can't get my mind off of Zea's reaction toward Rolfe. It doesn't make sense for her to be so terrified of him.

I first met Rolfe the night Axton introduced me to his family.

I was a complete mess and I couldn't stop shaking no matter how many times Axton told me that everything would be alright. My mind just kept going to what they would think and whether they would like me, but that all changed the second we walked in the door.

They welcomed me in with open arms and huge smiles. They seemed as happy as I was that Axton had found his mate. I seemed to fit right in, and since the loss of my parents, I felt like I was finally at home.

It was that night that I first met Rolfe. During dinner, there was a rogue attack. A few rogues decided to cross the border and tried to make trouble within the pack. So Axton and his father, the Alpha at the time, left to take care of it.

They weren't gone for long before a rogue came crashing into the house. The rogues that crossed the border were a distraction and this one was waiting for the Alpha to leave so he could come after the Luna. He charged right at her when I put myself between them, but before he reached us, another wolf came barreling through the house.

Rolfe, the beta at the time, killed the rogue. He protected the Luna and me. Since then, I have always known him as a kind person. Always one who wants nothing more than to protect his family.

But it has been seven years since I last spoke to him. He may not be the same person he used to be.

We shouldn't trust him, Raelynn says. He scares our pup.

But I don't understand why, I tell her, There has to be a reason. Something Zea can sense. She will be able to feel who he truly is, I just don't know what she senses.

Keep him away from Zea, she says before closing off the conversation.

I am so focused on thinking about Rolfe, I didn't even hear it when he left the room. Axton comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Hey, are you okay? You seemed to go somewhere else for a second."

"Hmm, oh yeah. I'm fine, don't worry," I tell him as he gives me a soft kiss on my neck.

I don't understand what's going on with Axton. I want to believe that he truly wants this, wants a family. But I still have that fear in the back of my mind that he will reject us again, if he even rejected us the first time.

Everything about that night still confuses me. I know what I saw and I know what I felt was a true rejection, but I can still feel the amazing electricity my mate's touch causes. I don't know what to believe is real anymore.

"You did it again," he mumbles as he kisses my neck again.

"Sorry," I whisper to him as I turn in his arms, but when I look up at him, his eyes are still zeroed in on my neck, "Axton? What's wrong?"

"Your mark," that is all he says but I know what he meant. The scar, "What happened?"

"Nothing," I lie as I try to cover it with my hand. I don't really want to bring up those memories, especially with Zea in the next room.

"It's not nothing, Ellie. What happened?" he says, anger and confusion and hurt all laced into his tone.

I look past him to the little girl in the other room, "Not here," I tell him as I motion to our daughter, "I'll tell you tonight. I promise."

He nods his head, but it doesn't seem like he really wants to let go of the subject. I knew he was going to be angry when he saw the scar.

Cortez's reminder, like I could ever forget that torture.

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