Chapter 21

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Ellie POV

I pull my hand away from my stomach as I stare down at the blood. It soaks through my clothes as my mind fully comprehends what just happened.

"Axton," I breathe out as he stares at me before I crumble to the ground.

I feel his arms go around me seconds before hitting the dirt. My eyes start to close as he cups my cheek with his hand, "Ellie, look at me. Please, just keep your eyes open."

I feel the pain spread through my entire body as it intensifies. I feel myself whimper into Axton's arms, "Axton."

"Sh. It's alright. I'm right here," he whispers to me before looking up from the ground to a few of the warriors that I hadn't even hear approach. I try on focus on Axton as he yells for the pack doctor and to put guards on someone, but I can't focus on the words.

I hear someone yelling as another pair of hands touch my wound, "It's deep. She's still bleeding."

"Shouldn't she be healing, Jade?" Axton asks, panic and pain in his voice. I just continue to stare at him and try to focus on the sound of his voice as another wave of pain shakes through my body, "What do I do?" his voice breaks, just barely a whimper that I'm not even sure Jade could hear it.

"We need to get her back to the hospital. Now."

Axton lifts me off the ground, pulling me close to his chest so he can take off running through the trees. My mind starts to drift in and out of consciousness as the pain increases, "Keep your eyes open, El. Just a little longer, alright? You're going to be okay. You have to be."

As we come up on the building, darkness takes me as I rest my head against Axton's chest.

"Bring her over here," I hear Jade say as I am placed onto what I can assume to be a bed, but I still feel Axton's grip on my hand. It's strong but shaky. I focus everything on tying myself to the feeling of his hand.

"She's still bleeding," his voice rang out.

"There must be something still in the wound for her healing to not even start healing," I hear Jade say when another wave of pain swims through my body from my wound. I can feel Jade's hands and tools as she digs into my skin.

"What are you doing?" Axton yells.

"I'm trying to find the source of the bleed and whatever it is obstructing her healing," she answers him as she starts digging again, "Now I know you are Alpha, but if you don't stop asking me questions, your mate is going to die. Either get out or shut up. I don't care what you choose, but you need to let me do my job."

I can picture Axton's face in my mind as Jade says that to him, and it isn't a happy one. His grip on my hand tightens, but he doesn't say another word as Jade continues to work on me.

I don't know how long it has been. Maybe minutes, maybe hours, but I can feel the pain decrease just a little bit as Jade calls out, "I found it."

"What is it?" Axton asks.

"It looks to be a claw. One of the rogue's nails must have broken off during the fight when they attacked you," she says, "Just give me a couple of seconds to try and get it out."

I feel her hands leave me as she takes out what I'm guessing is the nail. I feel stinging pain as she closes the bleeding off and stitches my wound.

"Is she going to be alright now?" Axton asks, his hand squeezing mine as I feel the other one run over my face.

"If her body starts healing, yes," Jade says and I wish she would have just stopped there, "But I have to tell you, she lost a lot of blood. She might not have enough energy to heal."

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