Chapter 28

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Ellie POV

I stare at him as I try to connect the pieces on how he could do this to his own family. He has always been there for us. He protected me before he even knew who I was. Why will he want to hurt Axton and the pack?

I can hear Cortez chuckling as I just sit there watching Rolfe, "I guess she didn't see that one coming," he smirks, "Since I have what I want, I'll give you some time to talk. I have a witch to go murder."

He opens the door, but before he closes it behind him, he says one more thing, "Oh, if it turns out you are lying. I'll be paying your daughter a visit next."

With that he leaves us alone. I watch Rolfe as he moves around the room, stopping at the table full of knives. He picks one up and starts to rotate it in his hands as he moves to sit in the chair he had been tied to.

"I'm sure you're trying to figure out why I did it, right? Why do I hate the pack. Why do I hate Axton so much that I would want him dead," he smiles as he leans forward in the chair, "Do you want more time to come up with an answer, or should I just tell you now?"

I think about the past, about everything that happened before I even got to Black Moon Pack. It was my job to know all of the news and even the gossip of other packs. But there is nothing that I can remember that would have caused Rolfe to betray his own family. Black Moon had always been a strong pack with Axton's father as Alpha. There hadn't even been a single rogue attack since-, "During the rogue wars. There was an attack on the pack. The was only one fatality. She was your mate."

Rolfe smiles like I had won a prize, "Yes, she was. My mate."

"How can you blame Axton for what happened to her? He wasn't even born yet," I argue.

"She would never have been there if it isn't for Axton!" Rolfe yells as he stands up, the chair tumbling to the ground behind him. He moves in front of me before slamming the knife he had been twirling around into my leg. I try not to scream out, but I can't stop the pain from spreading through my body. More wolfsbane seeps into my veins, burning me from the inside out.

"How?" I spit out. I try to sound strong, but the more the wolfsbane spreads, the more it sounds like a whimper.

Rolfe smiles again as he removes the knife. Wiping the blood off the blade against my leg, he explains it to me, "When Axton's father met his mother, the was a brewing war between the packs and the rogues. Rogues wanted the packs dead and the packs wanted the rogues dead. So, when news that the new Luna of Black Moon was pregnant spread, the rogues took it as an opportunity to wipe out one of the strongest packs in North America."

"They tried to kidnap her," my voice comes out smaller than I want it to.

I know this story. Axton's mother had told me about it after that fight with Axton I had about the rogue that had crossed the boundary line. Rogues had tried to take his mom because she was mated to an alpha and he was scared that it will happen to me to.

He was terrified of losing us. Now he has twice, Raelynn whines. Her voice is so cut off from me that I barely could feel her presence at all.

"Yes, they tried. My brother, Axton's father, was so blind with grief and anger that he decided to go after the rogues without backup. I warned him that we should call for our pack warriors, but his wolf was in complete control," Rolfe says, "You see, the rogues having a Luna is one thing, but a pregnant Luna? The pain of that death wouldn't just be felt in the pack, but it would destroy the alpha line within the pack. That type of pain will break the pack so far down until it no longer exists."

"What does that have to do with your mate?" I ask.

"My mate was the beta female. She was the Luna's best friend. I told her to stay in the bunker but she refused to hear it and insisted on coming with us. She wanted to protect her Luna and pack. So, my brother led us off to find his mate, only it was an ambush. My mate died in my arms because Axton's father was to blind to see the ambush coming. He led my mate to her death because Axton's mother was pregnant. If it weren't for Axton, then he wouldn't have charged in. He would have taken the time to prepare for an attack and called for our warriors. We would have been prepared. My mate would not have died!"

"It's not his fault. He couldn't have seen the ambush coming. I knew him. He wasn't reckless, but his mate was in danger. You wouldn't have been able to control your wolf if it had been your mate. If it had been your mate, Axton's mother would have run into the fight for her just like yours did," I try to argue, "I'm so sorry your mate died, but it wasn't anyone's fault."

"But it is his fault. When we realized it was an ambush, I watched as my brother make a choice. He picked to save his mate and child and my mate died because of it," he says as he lowers himself down to look me in the eyes, "He chose wrong."

He plunges the knife again into my leg, leaving it there as he stands up to leave the room. He opens the door before turning around to look at me, "I wonder what choice Axton will make when I make him choose between his mate and daughter."

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