4. Nature of Soul

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Oh people who love Poetry ، I will never leave poetry , and my thinking is full with its Rhyme ،
I built for me a big name between the famous people in the poetry Square , and also I created a great verses of poetry,
- which Illuminate the face of someone who is saying the poem
And if you want to know the real meaning of a brave man you can see my father's name above the highest point of the mountain to Shape it ;
And Glories are Come to us and get humble for us and we magnify them .

And for those who understand that to be man you have to get a new idea or new verses
I want him to know that our doings never be the same with another

And me, when I came back to Dubai , I found something wonderful which I was waiting for
She is like the clear air , - "Hi and big welcome to you; Marhaba" (it's the way of welcoming in the Emirati dialect ) ,
I wish I can get like the sand of Zayed's house for you to be able to welcome you with the greatest way which you deserve ..

Zayed's house recommended me to save you inside my heart and I agreed to save you inside me and put you on the upper point of the most highest mountain of it.
And for me if you just come to me during my sorrow I suddenly get happy and fresh ; congratulation to you from Zayed's house and congratulation to Zayed's house with you , and I wish Allah forgive you about your bad thinking about me , how dare you think that I forget you ?
I never ever forget you and don't tell me about anything
I never forget your cute scarf swaying in the air ..

How much the longing came to me and it caused wakefulness for all my nights to show me the absence of your smooth imagination ; and your delicious longing captivated me and in the darkness of the night, her feminine shadow came to and stay with me until the morning then I don't know anything about her ! ...
Anyone wants to know what I took from her ? I took myself misery

And if you ask what I gave to her ? I gave her all my life
And if you ask me why you want her this much ? I will answer you with, that nobody is like her in my eyes ...
I get away from her and then I come back again as though my emotions never accept with anyone and I just need her , she is more expensive than anything for me which I saw or I will see nothing like her .. her neck with the rest are the meaning of high cost from her magical beauty ..
I will always be for her , I will never see any girl other even if there are similar to her , I tried to change myself but I can't ! Myself still as it is ..

And if anyone gave me what I wanted ? I will give a hand for it firstly

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