20. Haunt you & Haunt me

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To you, who slaughtered by love and the yearning (by) burning,
Don't keep the yearning hidden, speak of it and teach me!
It is normal to stammer at the moment of my departure,
As the departure before it made you stammer,
I stammered too!
I gave you my heart and houses inside my feelings (nostalgia),
(So) maybe you would see the love and how it slaughtered me.
I am dying in your laugh and your elegant style
And your beauty, that drives you crazy and drive me crazy.
Not every human can live deep inside me,
Except you, since the day I saw you and you still live in me.
I gave you love and sensation remains,
The eagerness of your meeting is racing me.
I will make you taste of my sweetness
and the taste of my antidote,
And I will teach you how to hate me and love me!!
Oh you, who gathers the night and the sunrise in your face
Your paradox that is in you, is what I like!
Your style in my eyes, worth all the styles
And your love (preciousness) kept me from
communicating with others.
And love in the eyes of your admirers and my admirers
A feeling, I see that it seduces you (haunt you)
And seduces me (haunt me).

Original Translation by Fazzannella

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