Everyone Has A Soul: Glass Eyes

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                                                       E V E R Y O N E  H A S  A Soul

                                                       Dear Noah, everyone has a soul....


                                                                 G L A S S   E Y E S


"Everyone has a soul. Whether living or dead their soul lingers. It is your job to find it. Take heed though, the job is neither easy nor fair,"

          The voice rang like a taunting whisper across the glassed chambers. Silent. Somber. She let the words wrap around her like her own forbidding. She felt weightless - much like a feather - against the rushed breeze. Around her an orange glow burned, the walls alive with peering eyes. Or it felt as though it were so. But perhaps it was her own mind playing tricks on her once more.

          Her body buzzed, a gentle warmth at first before searing her straight to the core. Her lips parted - A scream trying to escape. Yet all she could do was let out a breathless sigh. What was becoming of her? What was this heat? She didn't know- couldn't remember. Only snippets of images, of memories, rushed around her.

         A girl, with brown hair and blue eyes screamed in pain and called out a name. Over and over; till she was sure the girls lungs would burst. Nay, this was not simple calling for it was screaming. Tormented screaming. For latched onto the girl was a demon. A stranger, with blonde wisps of hair. The girl screamed more, those blue eyes searching. For what? For her she realised. The demon stuck to her like a leech, as the girl continued to scream and scream until there was no life left to fuel her lungs. She fell tears down her face, lips parted, her eyes glassed over and dim from death. She recognised her, in that instance, to be her sister. Her heart jerked and tears touched at the corner of her eyes. The blonde demon raised his head then. His eyes burning a feral black, they bore into her making her soul flee with fear. Fangs hang from his gums. Blood coating them. Her sisters blood. He was a demon, a monster.

        Vampire....the word whistled through her mind...he is a vampire.

         Pain seared through her again, as scaled wigs wrapped itself around her. She shut her eyes and as the torment consumed her, she remembered why she suffered through this pain. It was to save her sisters life. Her lips parted once more and she screamed now. A despaired scream that could shatter a persons soul. Her lungs ripped apart with a fiery intesnity, and her body on fire she let herself fall. Into the burning darkness.

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