Chapter 20 - Buffer

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Author's Note: HI!! I only have time to quickly log on and post this, so sorry for temporarily ignoring your comments, I will reply tomorrow when it's not 1AM (Oops.) Also, I realise these past few chapters have been more talking, less stuff-happening, but trust me, the stuff-happening is coming, we just have to balance it out for now, and unfortunately, I can't post everything at once (sadface, I know). Enjoy!

Chapter 20 - Buffer

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Luca?" Officer Peri called. "Are you doing alright in there?"

Loaded question.

"Yeah," I called, fanning my neck. I was leaned over the sink and covered in a cold sweat from head to toe. "Don't worry."

"Are there any more doors in there?"

I looked behind me. This was a single bathroom built for the private waiting room, so there weren't any stalls for public use.

"It's just the toilet and me," I answered. "No window either."

"I'll be out here then," Officer Peri said, appeased. "Take your time."

I took a step back and sat down on the closed toilet, using the fragile lid as a seat. I dropped my head into my hands, then regretted the action immediately when my bangs severely irritated the entirety of my face.

I needed a haircut. No—I needed a wig.

Another knock came.

"I'm not going to get attacked in here, Officer Peri," I called, muffled.

"It's me."

My head lifted immediately.

I scuttled over to the door, twisting the lock. Gabriel's left eye appeared in the slit I slowly opened.

"Can I come in?"

"I guess."

He squeezed through the door, locking it after himself without being prompted. I leaned against the sink. Gabriel leaned against the door.

"Talk to me."

I shrugged, the action feeling heavy. One of my shoulders rose higher than the other.

"The killer is playing with me," I said quietly. "I save Birdy and she dies. I save Steven and Zane, and they still die."

"Surely you—"

"Don't deny it," I interrupted, before Gabriel could try make me feel better. "The world sure as hell doesn't revolve around me but some aspect of this murder spree does. It's like the killer is trying to tell me that no matter what I try, everyone is still going to end up dead."

Before I could register what I was doing, my arm had lashed out and flung the soap dispenser across the bathroom. It ricocheted from the wall to the floor, its path loud and unabashed. The sudden collision felt unnervingly liberating. My hand stung as it made contact with the dispenser, but I was in control.

And I wanted to feel in control, so I started hitting the mirror with my fist, again and again and again. Somewhere in a quieter part of my head, I knew I was acting delirious.

But I couldn't stop myself.

"Hey, hey!"

All I had done was survive. That was all.

Gabriel grabbed my elbow when his pleading wasn't getting through to my ears. It made no difference. I writhed and twisted away from his grip easily.

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