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7:23 PM

Operator: Bottle Island 911, what is your emergency?

Caller: I— there— there's a dead body here!

Operator: Ma'am, please remain calm. What is your location?

Caller: I'm just the maid! I'm just trying to do my job! I have to drive an hour each day because all these wretched holiday houses are located so far from each other and the company insists on spreading them out and Jesus Christ—this is my last house so of course I had to find a damn dead body!

Operator: What is your location, ma'am? Our police services cannot reach you if you cannot report your location.

Caller: I don't—let me check. I— I think it's Honeysmith Avenue. House— house number two.

Operator: Alright. The police are on their way. Please remain where you are until their arrival.

Caller: I just wanna go home— I just— I just—

Operator: Remain calm and still. Where is the body currently?

Caller: The pool—the one at the back. You— you have to go through the kitchen. I'm by the back door.

Operator: Can you determine this person's identity from where you are? Please do not venture any closer.

Caller: I don't know! How am I supposed to know who is it? It's a damn tourist! It's always the damn tourists! She's face-down in the pool! Drifting fucking face-down—

Operator: Ma'am, calm down. Stay—

Caller: There's a passport.

Operator: —prolonged silence— Excuse me?

Caller: Yeah, I— I see a passport. On the pool chair.

Operator: The police are minutes away from the scene, ma'am. Please refrain from touching anything as you may contaminate the evidence.

Caller: No, it's— it's open. The passport is open. It's— oh, god.

Operator: Ma'am, just stay away from—

Caller: I can see the name.

Operator: The police are only two minutes away—

Caller: It's Maire Reeve.


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