{Chapter 18}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 18_

"Are you even listening to me?" Jason asks when we are eating breakfast. Jason has been talking to me but let's just say that I have a lot going on in my head right about now. You see, I have been thinking of that dream I just had. I don't even know if that was or not a dream but what I do know is that this looks so real that it just doesn't make any sense to me at all. It felt like it really happened, yet it was a dream. "I'm so sorry Jason, It is just that I have something going on and I'm just trying to figure it out" I tell him. What, I can't just lie to him. Besides, I'm only twisting the truth a bit. That's not lying, right?

No I don't think I'm lying to him. I have to figure things out and right now I don't even know how to figure this out. "Care to share?" He asks, and I let out a giggle. That is just plain funny. "Nope" I tell him, popping the 'p' while I grin. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" He questions. "Honestly, I don't think I can. The thing that I mean is that I don't really know you very well and I have trust issues sometimes" I tell him. His smile drops and I now feel sorry for him.

I don't think I can tell about what happened that night. I'm not even sure if I can tell anyone what happened. I should stop thinking of that nightmare, I don't want to live through that again. I shake my head a little to make sure that I don't start thinking about it all. Jason uses his Vampire speed to get on the other side of the table where I am. He lifts my chin up with his thumb and makes me look into his eyes. "Are you all right?" He asks me.

I feel tears form in my eyes but I refuse to cry. I'm not that kind off person who cries in front of people to get other's pity. I don't like it when someone is pitying me. It does make me feel so weak and me being weak only reminds me of that nightmare. "I don't know" I tell him. I need to stop talking, I don't want to spill the beans and tell him everything. "Just tell me when you're ready. I might be able to help" He says. I can tell that he means that because he's looking at me with a serious look but still softly. Strange.

"Oh, all right. I mean yes, I will tell you when the time is right" I say, awkwardly. "I can wait. After all, I have all eternity" He says with a smirk on his face. You got to be kidding me, this is just getting annoying. I frown at him. "In fact you do, Mr. Black" I murmur as I take a bite of my breakfast. This is my first bite, but I'm not that hungry, so I'm just going to let that be enough for me. "Aren't you going to eat something more than that?" Jason asks, raising his voice.

Oh, he must have noticed that I haven't eaten that much. That only means bad news for me at least. I have learned that he gets everything he wants, one way or another. "I'm not really that hungry" I tell him. When those words leave my mouth, Jason's face turns anger but still pained. Is he in pain or something? "Emma, you need to eat. Even though you're not hungry" He says, calming down. Thank god he is calming down or I would have been in big trouble and that usually doesn't end very well, especially when it comes to him.

"So am I not allowed to be not hungry?" I ask and he almost chocks on his food. I can't help it and laugh, can you really blame me? I mean this is hilarious and what makes it even funnier is that he is a serious person and is now coughing like a madman. I know he will be all right, since he is a, you know. Vampire. After like three minutes or so I stop laughing and well there are three reasons why. First, my stomach hurts so much from all that laughter, second is that I'm tearing from laughing so hard and third Jason isn't funny anymore.

Which is sad, he would be a excellent clown. And I'm not joking. I can't even begin to imagine him in a clown costume. I laugh to myself but Jason looks at me like I'm crazy or something like that. I'm really glad that he didn't hear what I said about him and that clown costume. He would go all crazy if he knew what I have been thinking, but do not judge me, I can't help but this about that. Sometimes I can become really strange, that is just who I am.

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