{Chapter 20}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss
_Chapter 20_

"You are not leaving this room until you tell me what happened, what you were doing out in the forest and why on earth you were crying" Jason says in a demanding tone that no one can escape, not even me. He kind of has this effect on people and make them tell him everything. "All right, where do I start?" I ask, but more to myself. "I want to know everything so you start at the very beginning" He says in a much nicer tone this time but is still determined to know everything about what happened and I also gave in, so he's happy about that. "All right, it started when I met him-" I begin to say but Jason cuts me off. "Met who? Tell the story with names Miss Summers" He says.

For some reason he is angry, but is he angry at me? That I don't know. Oh, what am I really expecting from him, he just found me in the forest, probably with red puffy eyes and all alone so of course he's angry but why is he anyway? "Adrian, just like I said, it all started when I met Adrian-" I begin again to tell it from the beginning but Jason cuts me off again. Oh, come on. Can't I just finish my story? If this continues, we'll be here forever. "You mean the one who's working for me, the little boyfriend?" He asks. I almost roll my eyes. "Yes, that is who I met and now will you keep your mouth closed, so I can finish the story. I have plans today and I want those plans to actually happen, today" I say a bit annoyed with him. That plan won't work out if I can't slip away from him.

"Fine continue" Jason says between his gritting teeth. A shiver runs down my spine, I just shake it off. "As I was saying, when I met him everything was great, in fact it was perfect. He took me out on the most beautiful date, I've ever seen on and there he asked me to be his girlfriend" I tell him. When those words leave my mouth, Jason growls, and yes he actually growled. All right, there is something wrong with this guy, I swear to god that he is not human. What am I even thinking, of course he isn't human, he is a vampire and I'm the human here. "After that night we started dating and I thought that everything would be perfect but it turns out that he is just the guy who loves to break girl's hearts" I tell him as one tear slips down my cheek.

I wipe it away before Jason can see it. I don't want him to see me crying, even if he found me in the forest with red puffy eyes. "Few days later which is today I saw him k-kissing another girl. He called me many bad things and told me he only dated me for money" I say as I start to cry, nonstop. Now I don't care when I cry in front of him. He hugs me tight but still calmly, I think he's trying to comfort me. Why does it feel so nice when he is hugging me? My bracelet starts to glow again. Oh, I think this thing is broken or something, at least I don't think that it is working. Then again, I have no idea what it is supposed to do. "I ran into the forest and the strangest thing happened to me there" I tell him, then I stop.

"And are you going to share that strange thing that happened to you" He suddenly says. I hadn't realized that I have been quiet for a few minutes now. I guess everything that has happened to me this past few weeks have been kind of too much for me and do not get me started that Christmas is close. I don't think I can bear that pressure with everything else on top of my mind. "Yes, there was this woman who just appeared out of no where but that isn't the weirdest thing about it" I say but I stop myself there.

I don't know how to explain this to him and I'm not even sure if he'd even believe it, I don't even know if I believe it myself. I feel like I'm in a dream and soon I'll wake up and then everything is over. Sometimes I wish everything that has happened has just been on big dream which will end and things will be like they were before everything turned upside down. "Then what is the weirdest thing, you got to be more specific when you tell a story like that even if it does pain you a little but I promise you that once everything is out, you will feel a weight list off your shoulders, trust me" He says. I can't just tell him about Daphne and everything that happened to me and her. Can I?

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