{Chapter 28} Epliogue

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 28-Epliogue_

For a moment I feel nothing, everything is fine. Then a massive pain wave goes through my entire body. I scream out in pure pain, this hurts more than any pain I've ever felt in my whole life. Tears stream down my face like a waterfall. I feel more pain than I felt few hours ago when I woke up, I can't deal with this amount of pain. My body becomes weaker by the second, I nearly fall down but strong hands catch me before I hit the ground. Jason holds me on the floor, he on his knees with me in his arms. "Emma! Emma! Can you hear me?" He asks. His voice is full of worry and sadness but I can sense a hint of anger. I can barely talk to him, so I only whimper. He carefully sets me down on the floor, stands up and turns around.

I see that he has attacked Liam. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!" He yells at Liam. Both of them are filled with anger and hatred. Liam tries to stab Jason with the dagger that he still holds in his hands, there is blood on the dagger. But this isn't Jason's blood, it's mine. I realize that I'm bleeding heavily. I look down and I have a stab wound near my heart and blood keeps flowing out. That is where the most pain is, but my whole body feels like it's exploding, like a million little explosions are going off at the same time and it hurts more than anything.

Jason manages to kick the knife out of Liam's hands, it lands on the other side of this room, where it can't hurt anyone else. I feel lightheaded and I can't keep my head up, I just lay there on the floor meanwhile Jason and Liam fight. I can't see them. Both of them are hurt, I can hear it. I can hear their hits and their groans by every hit they take, I can hear the walls break and everything break around me but nothing touches me, I know for a fact that Jason has something to do with it, like he has always done. From the moment he took away the cold by just touching my skin when we first met.

One of them falls down to the floor but I can't see which on it is. It hurts to even move any of my body parts. I feel someone lift me into their arms, I wince a little, all right I wince so much out of pain that is going through me. It's Jason who is holding me, I like it when he holds me like this. Well it would have been better if the situation is different and better than this. "It's going to be all right, I promise" He says and I can hear so much hurt in his voice. He's sad, I don't like it when he's sad. "I'm going to fix this" He says, I hear ripping sound, and he puts something on my bleeding wound. It hurts so much. He presses so hard that I can't help but cry out in pain.

My vision starts to get blurry and it's hard to see, I just want to sleep, I'm so tired and my body is exhausted. I want to close my eyes but I somehow feel the need to stay awake for something or someone. "Shh... relax, Emma. I know this hurts but you have to be strong. I will fight this with you. I will make things right, I refuse to lose you. Not again" He says. I can't see his face clearly but I feel like he's crying, he's crying for me. I love him, I know now why everyone says that love can lead to a great pain and especially when vampires are involved. "J... J.. Jas... son..." I stutter out in pain, I feel blood come out of my mouth when I talk and leak down my chin.

It frightens me that I'm dying, I really am dying. I'm afraid of it, yet there is something in me that is calming down my fear. "Don't talk, Emma I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, I should be the one dying, not you" He says sobbing. I never knew that the cold business man and vampire that I've known for a few weeks is crying for me. And I have no idea why he would cry for a person like me. I do love him very much but I'm not sure if he loves me in the same way, I guess I will never know since I'm here bleeding to my death. "I... I'm... no... t.. t... dy... dy.. in.. g... I... m.. j... uu... st... go.. o.. i... ng... aaa... w.. a... a..y..." I choke out of me with more blood flowing out of my mouth as I speak.

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