Chapter 16 - Day In & Day Out: Adaptation

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There was a time I said something along the lines of opportunities not presenting themselves on silver platters just like that at the snap of the finger and when they do present themselves, you don't act all modest and what-what. You grab them with both hands like a avaricious harum-scarum.

That's true.

It tells the most untamed, unpolished truth. If I could, I would go back to give the person that thought of that a pat on their back. oh, right. Its me. What I'm trying to say is, this is an opportunity that not everyone gets the privilege of experiencing. There are hundreds of street kids just like me roaming the streets of Swakopmund, dreaming and hoping for something like this. Finding a home. People that'll accept them for who they are, without no judgment or whatsoever. I have all that and I'll not lie around moping and feeling pity for myself. Of course, I went through hell. I'm still experiencing the aftereffects of all that happened to me, but let me just let go and enjoy this while it last.

I groan, turning in my bed, blindly searching for the unused pillow on the bed. When I get a hold of it, I press it down my head, attempting to lock out the knocking I hear from the door. I'm not even sure if this is like a real thing. Who wakes up at such ungodly hours, disturbing the precious sleep of tired individuals, that haven't experience the luxury of sleeping in a soft, plush king size bed in an amount of almost eight months.

Oh, sorry. Lets take a beat. You probably wondering what in the Judas Iscariot I'm talking about. Oh, you probably have an idea or not. Or whatever but I'm in the Hoveka mansion and when I say mansion, believe me when I say it's the most luxuriant house I've ever seen. Okay, don't get me wrong. I'm coming from money. Like a load lot of it but my parents prefered simplicity, so nothing of ours was over-extravagant. So, seeing the house... lets just say, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The house is unseen elegance, a modern yet ancient edged furniture with incredibly beautiful designs. Starting from the wrought iron front doors to the private lush backyard. The house has a u-shaped configuration organized around and internal courtyard and allows access to all the living space and the swimming pool. The impeccability of the house is seen in the wood covered ceilings in the living room with cream-like white, silver/grey and navy blue color feature and formal dinning area. A beautiful wrought staircase leading to ravishing bedroom finishes that have light texture, greyish silver dominating the whole set-up. A king size bed covered in soft small pillows, overlooking the internal courtyard with the swimming pool. A bathroom with large shower and a resort-like bathtub perfect for relaxation. So, excuse me if I don't want to wake up and start the day. I've to enjoy this glorious paradise found on earth.

I try to snore, trying to divert the knockers attention to the probability of the person that they trying to wake up being deep in their slumber-glory.

"Valeria stand up. I can hear you moving inside there. Trying to snore to send me away ain't going to work." Ndeshi yells from the other side of the door. That makes me groan along with what I assume to be a muffle 'Go go away.' That seems to have worked. Thank God she has the grace to let me sleep and enjoy this a little bit longer before I go back to reality. Or not.

"VALERIA!" She yells, pulling the blankets off my body, leaving me on the bed without a covering of anything, just me stuck on the bed in my PJ's, groaning into the pillow like a bull with an unquenchable sexual thirst, in desperate need of sating his thrusting need. What?

"God, no. You are loud. Please let me sleep." I whine.

"No." She states firmly, not leaving room for argument, but who says her authoritative voice is going to work. I don't make a move to stand up.

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