Chapter 25 - Back & Forth

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“Xander, I swear to God I’ll castrate the living day lights out of you—“My rambling is cut short by the screech that leaves my mouth.

He didn’t just throw a bucket full of water—cold one—on me, did he? I feel my already cranky mood escalating. I send Xander one of my intense fierce glowers, letting him know just how pissed I’m.

The idiot looks at me from head to toe and burst into another of his laughs, totally ignoring me in my glowering glory. To say, that I feel like screaming and just throwing one of those spoilt bratty tantrums will be a downright understatement.

I take in a huge breathe and look down at my body, perfectly attached to my caramel-brown skin in its sloshing bullshitty glory. I don’t try to make a move from the position I’m currently occupying. Just enjoying the sound of the water as it drips down my sloshed clothing, making a puddle at my feet’s.
Ann also joins Xander in his laughing charade. I catch a glimpse of Pius passing by me, joining the senior riot with one of his signature smirks directed at me. I scowl at him with all hatred and venom I can garner that sends his smirking into something along the lines of hurt. But for what? I brush off the idiot and refocus my attention on the two clowns laughing their rectums out. I throw another weighty glare, not finding their wit in the situation. That sends them over the edge and into instantaneous silence.


You’re probably wondering what in the hades of hellhole is going on? Oh, lemme clear the fog for you. Do you remember me saying something about a senior riot earlier? Probably you do. Probably not but to answer the question, it’s exactly what’s going on right now. Riot because the senior class just change the school environment into an utter disorder. Apparently it’s their way of celebrating the end of their high school life. How exactly? By doing what the grey-eyed devil pouting in front of me like a damn five year old did. They’re playing sorry water in the school corridors. And believe me it’s a mess, because everywhere you go you’ll find a sprinkle or more of water.

“Jesus, I hate it when you being a cranky bitch.” He mumbles under his breathe along with other incoherent profanities of how much of an enemy of fun I can be with my snappy and rude comments. And to be honest with you, I’ve been exactly that. Snappy, cranky and rude.

“What did you just call me now?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“Nothing.” He mumbles yet again pouting like a four year old.

“I didn’t hear you clearly. Could you repeat that again?” I gathered my eyebrows in a bitchy way. “I’m not being an bitch you asshole.” I hissed at him breaking the dramatic-ness.

“See. That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” He flails his arms in all directions. He turns towards Ann. “Ever since when does Valeria use profane words again?” he asks her.

Ann scoffs dramatically and turns towards me with her arms across her chest, hips cocked out and one brow raised a twitch. Xander copies her exact actions minus the cocked out hip. If these was another day and I wasn’t as cranky and moody as I’m today, I would’ve laughed at their childishness, but since it’s not, I just run a frustrated hand down my face, moving my wet clothes off the skin they attached to. God this is so god damn annoying.

“Since never. Like—“

“God, I get it. Will you shut it now?” I cut her off. “I’m being a hard-ass bitch. So what? Am I not allowed to be that after the stun you just pulled? Huh?”

Victim of Circumstance | UNDER RIGOROUS EDITING Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz