Acknowledge, Appreciate, and Love

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It's so easy to take someone for granted. Sometimes we don't even realize that we are doing it.

We depend on them to always be there whenever we need them.

We depend on them to always listen when we need to talk, and to have solutions ready to offer even if we don't want to hear it at that particular moment.

We count on the fact that we can be absent, both mentally or physically, and always have them to come back home to no matter how long we've been gone.

And that is wonderful.

If you find a person in your life that you trust that much, hold on to them as tightly as you can.

But that's the point.

Hold on to them.

We count on them and their presence in our lives to such an extent that we sometimes forget to remember to appreciate them.

These kinds of people would do anything for you in a heartbeat. Your sorrow is their sorrow, your happiness is their happiness.

They love you.

But just remember that in all kinds of relationships, whether it be husband and wife, parent and child, siblings or friends, don't ever, ever forget, that no matter how much a person loves you, there is only so much they can take when they don't feel acknowledged, appreciated, or loved, before it takes a toll on them, and eventually your relationship.

So it's in the little things that show them how you feel. Even if you need them right then, just take a moment to show that you were thinking about them, that you love them and care about them.

It's in the way you greet them with a smile or ask 'how was your day?'

It's in the way you might randomly tell her 'you're so beautiful' or call her a pet name that makes her blush.

It's in the way that you say to your parents, 'I appreciate everything you do for me and I'm sorry I don't say it more often'.

It's in the way you ask your sibling what is happening in their lives and ask how you can help.

When you give to them, when you nurture them, when you remind them that you love them just as much as they love you, then it will only serve to strengthen your bond, and help both of you help each other through anything, good or bad, that you might go through.

Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now