Mystery Man

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Gah! So I was in the kitchen minding my own business and getting some watermelon (my new obsession lol) and I was singing Beauty and the Beast ...

Me: 🎶 Tale as old as tiiime. True as it can beeee. Barely even friends, then somebody bends. Unexpectedlyyyyy🎶

I was not singing very loud mind you...

Me: 🎶 Just a little change. Small to say the least! Both a little scared, neither one prepareddddd 🎶

Then ALL OF A SUDDEN, just as I start singing 🎶 Beauty and the Beastttt 🎶 from outside the window I hear...

Mystery Man: 🎶 Beauty and the Beasttttt 🎶


Even though you couldn't see me through the window (second story) I still ducked down like WHAT?!

Then he goes

Mystery Man: 🎶 Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyyyyme. Beauty and theeeee Beasttt 🎶

Then he disappeared!

After a minute I got up and looked out the window but no one was there!

It was so weird!

It was kinda funny though lol almost everyone around me or that I know gets so bored/annoyed with my singing and it kinda makes me feel bad

This reminded me of the time that I didn't know the mail lady was outside and I was singing then all of a sudden I knew she was there from her clapping lol

Has anything weird like this happened to any of you before?

Sajmra Talks Part 3 #wattys2018Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя