25 Reasons You're A Blessing

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In honor of my best friend's birthday, since we don't celebrate it, I've written a list titled '25 Reasons You're a Blessing!' Exploring the awesomeness that my best friend is!

You came out of nowhere and dropped into my life, literally right out of the blue 

But it happened to be when I needed you most, and everyday I thank Allah for you

So here are 25 reasons why you're the greatest and the best

And why having you in my life has made me extremely blessed

(And here ends the rhyming because it was too hard to do the whole thing in rhymes xD)

1. Your heart is kind and loving

2. You send me random 'thinking of you' texts somehow knowing exactly when I need them!

3. You always ask how my day has been and share with me yours

4. You make yourself laugh ^_^

5. And you make me laugh! (Especially with your jokes and your puns!)

6. Your cooking is the best in the entire universe

7. You watch lovey dovey rom com movies with me even though I know you'd prefer superhero and adventure ones

8. You always are there to console me whenever things get hard

9. You share with me your passions and your dreams 

10. You listen to my own 

11. You always are supportive no matter how crazy they may seem

12. Ill never got bored talking to you for hours on the telephone (even when you're teasing and poking fun at me!)

13. Even though it's not your fav, you watch and share Disney quotes and memes (because you know how much I love Disney!)

14. And you've promised that one day we'll go to Disneyland, for that I cannot wait! (In Sha Allah!)

15. Your smile and laughter are infectious, contagious, and fun

16. And my favorite thing are our sleepovers, and watching the rising of the sun

17. Your curiosity and sense of adventure makes it so we're never bored

18. You love donuts as much as I do ! (Although we probably eat more than we should!)

19. You know me so well, sometimes better than I know myself!

20. And you accept me for the person I am, flaws and all

21. You give me advice, or simply just listen whenever I need to complain

22. You've seen me cry more times than I want to admit, and you've never once judged

23. You make me wanna be the best I can be, simply because that's what I see you strive to be

24. We can share everything with each other. Our secrets, our fears, our hopes and dreams

25. You're you 💙

And I pray that Allah swt strengthens our relationship, and makes it so we will always be able to share the future whether it be happy moments, sad moments, hardships and triumphs, with each other forever.

In Sha Allah !

Say Ameen ^_^

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