Hijab. ✨

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As salamu alaykum!

Hi guys,

Today I will be talking about my hijab story. First of all, I am sixteen and I got veiled when I was fifteen on the first day of Ramadan. You could say that I wanted to start fresh in this holy month and carry on from there. I remember what happened quite well.

I went to my mother and told her way before Ramadan, she was okay with it and started to encourage me. My sister was also so supportive as she went through the same process to wear hijab when she was my age. Lastly, my best friend. Those were the first to know about my hijab. My friend was encouraging me although she doesn't wear it, but she really helped me.

I was kind of worried to tell my father, afraid that he might refuse, but one night I approached him and just said 'So, Dad, I want to buy clothes because I want to wear hijab!' He was like 'Okay, as you like.' So I said 'So you agree?' He replied 'And why would I refuse?' And relief washed over me.

Seriously, the most important people knew and I was ready to go. I have been wanting to wear the hijab since I was like 12/13 but then mother refused, knowing that I will probably change my mind in a year, but I took baby steps.

I was a swimmer, a very good one too. I had medals and participated in championships, but then one night I felt really guilty because you know the swimsuits and the guys and all this stuff so I stopped and that was the first step. I was twelve at the time and then I stopped wearing tight things, always wearing cardigans over shirts, never wearing really tight jeans nor a short skirt.

It was really gradual and it took a lot of time, but when I decided to wear it, I was more than ready!!

As usual family members weren't happy with what I did, but I couldn't care less to be honest. I had been dreaming for that day for so long. All these nights feeling extremely guilty about not wearing it and that I am disobeying Allah, it was too much! A little support would have been nice, which I admit I got, but from a small group of them, I didn't. Some did not even congratulate me, others were like 'No, you're still young. Take it off.'

But I got a lot of support from friends and the one that really mattered was my Qur'an teacher who was really happy with me. But of course I was on cloud nine that I finally wore it and was pleasing Allah! :")

Alhamdulillah I don't feel guilty anymore at least about the way I dress, I am still far from perfect but I am striving to be a good muslimah.

I just want to add, I am sad that I didn't wear it earlier in my life, that's possibly the only regret I have. And InshaAllah I will never regret taking this step...how could I when I always feel warm and fuzzy knowing that I am wearing it to please Almighty and that I have the power to cover my hair that men shouldn't see...it always gives me the mystery element. New people wondering what my hair looks like and seeing it and being like oh wowww, you look completely different, lol.

And of course when I see my friends with their magnificent hair, MashaAllah, out on display I feel ugly...really. But then I think it doesn't matter, what matters is that InshaAllah, Allah is pleased with me and all is good.

For those of you who want to wear hijab, go for it and InshaAllah you won't regret it. Allah will help you every step of the way.

Hadha min fadli Rabbi

This, by the grace of my Lord.

Allahumma, inna shukruka ni3mah. TastaHiq ash-Shukr, fa 3allimanee kayfa ashkuruk. AlHamdulillah kamaa yambaGee li jalaal wajhik wa aZHeemi sulTaanik.

Oh Allah thanking you is a blessing, you deserve all thankfulness. All praise is due to Allah the way He should his magnificence deserves to be praised.


As salamu alaykum. ❤

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