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"-too much and that's and issue, but I'm okay!
Hey! Tell your friends it was nice to meet them.
But I hope I never-" I was chanting slowly in my utterly non-melodious discordant voice while taking out stuff from my locker when Lia stopped me. "Some one is singing dirty songs." Her sing song tone sounded, referring to my singing.

It was dirty and I was embarrassed in front of her but I was unable to refrain from singing it, it was what was on my tongue since last evening. "Uhh-it's an addictive song."

"I know right! It's one of my favourites. But I thought you don't listen to songs......"

"I don't. It's just this one song Carter told me about yesterday and I really loved it."

"So you made up with Carter huh? You know that you keep too many things from me? You don't speak until I confront you about things. And that's really annoying." Lia pointed out and turned her face the other side. "Talk about the snake and he's here."

Realizing the presence of Carter I hid my face behind the locker, remembering the events of last evening when all I wanted to do was smile at him but I couldn't take the risk of him smiling back at me and saying things that would lead me to be attacked by all the bitches and their bimbos.

"And now it's making more suspicious than anything. You know, you hiding your face and Carter looking around to find a certain someone that I'm sure is my little shy friend here whose cheeks are burning right now."

"I deserve to listen to the story right?" I nodded in reply and she dragged me towards the school garden. "I think we have a class right now Lia."

"We still have ten minutes. Now don't waste a single minute and start with the story. The curiosity is going to kill me." She clapped her hands and shrieked. And I had to tell her everything. From when he came to my house to play with Josh till the other day when he drove me back home

Knowing Lia she did the most expected. Squealing. "He asked you out on a date? Oh my god! I'm so happy, I can't tell you! No matter how much of a jerk he is but he's totally head over heals for you. The look in his eyes is a clear picture of that."

I rolled my eyes at her observation. "So..... you're going on a date with him?" Lia questioned. "Ummm.... no, I guess."

"What? Why?"

"I-I kind of...... ran inside after he asked me....... without answering him." My voice came out weak as I stared down at my shoes . I couldn't make eye contact with her because I was aware of how stupid my act was and that level of stupidity had a chance of being rewarded with a Lia-slap. I was afraid of that Lia-slap. "What?! Are you crazy? What the hell?!" She yelled at me.

"God Sophie are you stupid or what? Why did you run?" I was not afraid of her but her voice, that was attracting attention. "Lia, he just asked me out..... so suddenly and-and I didn't know what to do."

"What do you mean so suddenly? You expected him to have told you a week earlier that he is going to ask you out on a date next week? No guy does that Sophie!" She scolded, causing me to flinch a little. I knew the bell had already rung and we were missing our class but this wasn't the correct time to bring that.

The BadBoy screams trouble! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora