⚜|Chapter:31 'GO AWAY SOPHIA!"|⚜

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"Judging by your looks, I don't think you slept at night." Carter pointed out as we walked inside the class after a huge session of him consoling me and calming me down so that my eyes stop leaking tears.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep last night. Just as you dropped me back-" I stopped, the same hurtful feeling stinging my heart. "I saw my parents on the door with Josh in their arms. I-I tried to stop them but they didn't listen to me."

Carter just gave a single nod and remained silent. I placed myself on the seat and Carter sat on the one next to mine.

"Sparkle," he said, breaking the silence as he elbowed me. I looked up to listen to him. "Do you know what? We have a basketball match coming ahead. It's about a week from today and I want you to be there." Carter's grin was contagious enough to make me smile too. I knew very well he was attempting to change the topic and was trying to involve me in other talks so that I forget about Josh.

"Really?" I questioned, earning a nod in return. "I promise, I'll be there."

"It's quite unusual for Ms Taylor to arrive late." Carter spoke. A girl who sat on the seat ahead, turned her head in our direction. "Don't you know Carter? Ms Taylor is on an emergency leave. And the substitute teacher, probably is busy chitchatting so we get two units free." She beamed at Carter but not before shooting daggers at me with her looks.

"Yay!" Carter whispered from beside me completely ignoring the girl ahead as he gave me a refreshing smile. "I was thinking to complete my worksheet from the last class." I trailed, searching for a pencil inside my bag.

"Na-ah!" Before I could stop him he snatched the worksheet from my hands. "We are going to talk." He stated.

"Talk about what, Carter?"

"Talk about stuff." Carter said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. This sudden action of his startled me and I looked above just to find him staring at the front row with his jaw clenched. My eyes traveled to where his were and all I saw was a Cold War going on between Isaac and him. It wouldn't take a genius's mind to know that the both hate each other with everything in them.

And to think Isaac kissed me the same morning. I didn't have it in me to narrate the whole story to Carter right then, so I decided on telling him later in the lunch. Plus, I didn't want anymore drama when the students were around.

"Hey Carter!" A high pitched voice that belonged to non other than Maddy echoed followed by a sickening sweet scent of slutty perfume. Maddy was there and that meant nothing but a warning of a major problem.

"I'm busy Maddie. We'll talk later, maybe?" I won't say Carter wasn't rude, because he was.

"You don't know Carter-" she started to say but Carter stopped her. "I don't even wanna know." He said, too harshly and all I could see was red on Maddy's caked face. She started mumbling under her breath as she sprinted away.

"You were rude." I told him resting my head on his arm. "And she was annoying!"

"And I'm sure as hell if there weren't any books on my table she'd been sitting here, infecting my nostrils with that cheap perfume she uses." Hearing this from him made me giggle but I couldn't believe it was the Carter Reece saying this. The one who used to make out with Maddy in between the classes–or it were just rumours.

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