⊲|Chapter: 44 'I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, IT HURTS'|⊳

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*** read chapter 43 before this if you haven't ***


Okay so there was this word in the previous chapter: DADDY. It wasn't how you thought it was, okay? God, it's so weird explaining. I know you guys were really excited about it but it wasn't sexual. At all. Okay fine, I'm gonna leave now....

Continue reading :)


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"Neither of us have cancer, right?" Carter looked up at me, his eyes wide as he bit his lower lip. I looked at him with a confused expression but then I understood what had happened to him.

"No Carter. None of us do." I smiled comfortingly as I squeezed his hand lightly. "Just relax okay?" Carter nodded at me pecking me lightly on the lips before walking towards his bed. I walked after him and placed myself down beside him reaching out for the left over popcorns when my eyes caught something under his bed.

"What's that?" I called out as I took the thing out. After staring at it completely confused, I turned it and showed it to Carter. His face looked horror stricken as his eyes landed on it. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hey! Give it back to me! Hey! Sparkle! Aye!" I pulled the thing behind my back and walked backwards. He was standing on his bed while warning me. But I knew better than to return the thing to him. It was a painting. I weird one. A really extraordinarily weird one with it's weirdness reaching to extreme levels.

I ran with the painting in my arms around his room, trying to defend it. Carter was after me and I knew I was bound to get caught but I still ran like shit. Because I didn't want to let a chance of teasing Carter go. As I jumped up the bed after running around his room, the painting fell from my hand. Carter, as he was following me, crashed into me from behind and I fell down on the bed on my face. Carter landed beside me with a huff.

To say it hurt would be a lie. It hurt like a bitch. Without lifting my head up from the bed I pressed my palms on Carter's face as a tight slap. "Owww!" Still breathing hard, I slapped him again before looking at him. "Ahh!" His hands reached out to rub his cheeks which were red by then.

"You slap so hard.... are you sure you're not a vampire or something?" His sentence made me laugh lightly but when my eyes caught the painting from earlier the laughter turned into wild screams.

"Oh my God, ahaahahah! Hahaha! Seriously Carter?! You painted that? Ahahahaha! Bahahahaha!"

None of you would've expected that I found a painting of Donald Trump laying under his bed. It wouldn't have been so funny if it were simply a picture. It was no where near a normal painting.

Sure there was a Donald Trump but half of his head contained hair on the top while the other half was bald. The background of bald headed area was a desert while the background the other part of his face was showed as a garden. Below his face were written two sentences. Donald Trump with a wig and Donald Trump without a wig.

What exactly got me laughing was the major heading on the canvas: BE BOLD AND BRAVE ENOUGH TO BE YOUR TRUE SELF. I bursted out laughing again. I was laughing so hard that tears were leaking uncontrollably out of my eyes.

The BadBoy screams trouble! Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ