C H A P T E R t h i r t e e n

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   The car parked right at the front entrance of the hotel, with the engine still running. "Grazi," said Iris, opening the door to step out.

The butler just nodded with a grin.

She grabbed her computer bag, almost forgetting that it was still in the back seat when Dante drove to the Sant'Angelo Castle. She closed the door and stepped away from the car, waving goodbye as he drove off. With a sigh, Iris turned on her heel and entered the lobby.

Through the elevator, down the hallway, she made it to her room. Her hand bundled into a fist, about to knock on the door, until she remembered she put the key in her pocket. Rolling her eyes, she rummaged through her front pockets and found the key, taking it out and placing it inside the lock. The light turned green, which gave her permission to open the door, and she entered the room.

"I'm back," she called, walking further into the room, and putting the bag on the kitchen counter. "Hello?"

No answer.

Iris found it odd, thinking that she entered a horror novel.

Before she checked the rooms, as maybe they were sleeping, something caught the corner of her eye. Part of a piece of paper had shown underneath her bag. A note. She picked it up and began reading:

Jane felt better and wanted something in her stomach. So we decided that since you're having fun, we'll have some fun as well. Would've texted you this, but thought we'd leave you alone. Hope you don't stay out too late, as we won't. Didn't know if you had anything to eat, which you probably did, but we ordered you something while we're gone. It's in the fridge. Love you.

Kelly and Jane xoxo

Iris placed the note back on the counter and went around the corner to the kitchen. Checking the fridge, she saw a plate of pasta on one of the racks, grabbed it, and took it with her to the living room. Iris sat down on the couch, turning the television on, and allowed herself to relax.

Iris wanted to take the day off and kick her feet up on the coffee table and do nothing. Maybe write again? Maybe fall asleep?

She knew one thing for sure: the day could drift away as it desired. She didn't want to plan or know exactly what she would do after she did the last project. Iris wanted nothing more than to have a lazy day and have it fly by without any worries.

                                                                                . . . . .

"Iris?" she heard. With Iris asleep on the couch, her laptop open on the coffee table near her, she didn't move a single muscle. She heard her sisters come in, but she didn't bother answering their questions. Instead, she decided to eavesdrop. "Iris, you here?" This time, she knew who the voice came from. It was Kelly's.

"Shh," said Jane, pointing down to the couch. Kelly peeked over to see what she pointed at and saw Iris sleeping, her arm hanging off the couch, touching the carpet. "Let's not wake her." Iris opened her eyes, but enough to a point where they didn't notice her creeping.

"What about dinner?" Kelly whispered, still staring at her sister on the sofa.

"You're still thinking about food?" her sister said, almost laughing. "I'm pregnant and even I'm full."

"Hey," she whispered, putting her hands up in defense. "A girl's gotta eat."

Jane shook her head. "We'll order room service, okay? Will that make you happy?"

With a smile creeping onto Kelly's face, she nodded. "Yeah, I believe so." The two just continued looking around, maybe wondering what to do. "So what do we do with her? She's like . . . hoggin' up the couch."

"Notice that her computer is on?"

Kelly nodded, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"She might've been writing . . . Wanna read her work?" Jane winked in Kelly's direction.

Despite overhearing this, Iris was a bit interested to see—or rather, hear—what they thought about her book. They were never interested like that before, so maybe now, being with Dante, it finally gave them something to think about?

"Do you think she wouldn't mind?" On one hand, I would, because it's a bit embarrassing, but on the other hand, I wouldn't because I do want to know what you honestly think of it.

"Nah," said Jane. Of course. Same old Jane. Jane carefully took the laptop, not wanting to wake her sister, and they sat on the chair; Kelly hung off the arm of the chair. A password request came up when the computer turned on. "Do you know what it could be?"

Kelly thought for a moment and said, "Try: booklover; no capitals, no spaces."

Jane typed it in. Surprised, they got into the computer and began reading her manuscript. It was a rough draft, especially since she began writing it not long ago.

With their eyes scanning across each page, moments passing by, they became focused on whatever was written on the document.

A few chapters and thirty pages into it, they've been immersed into Iris's story and began falling deeply into the world of such wonder. After they finished the last chapter, Jane silently slammed the laptop shut.

"That . . ."

"Was amazing?" Jane interrupted Kelly. Kelly nodded. "I think so too. I never knew she could write that good." That's because you never truly believed in me . . .

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