A Life Together

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Being a mother is the greatest, exhausting, and the most disgusting job on the planet. There is nothing like bringing a baby into this world. The pure love and devotion you feel the moment you know you created life, is exhilarating. Then, the little bundle of joy is born, giving another reason to wake in the morning, and all hours of the night. Sleep is lost, the crying going on for what seems like hours, the tummy and ear aches, the fussiness. With one kid, it's easy, but juggling multiple is hard. The jealousy, the feeling of not being wanted, of being replaced. All that makes a mommy go mad, madness and tiredness doesn't go together very will. Like fire and gasoline. And if that doesn't make you want to pull your hair out, imagine your little joy wanting you to hold their hand and after you wrap yours in theirs, you feel an unpleasant slimy substance that you hope to the gods isn't snot or worse.

Yeah, children are exhausting and gross. However, it's the little things that makes kids the greatest. Like when your little one gets a boo-boo and only your kisses will make it better, or when they want you to play with them, or when they giggle, or when they just need a hug.

Yeah, it's the little things that makes my babies so great.

If only those thoughts could penetrate the rage that is bubbling inside of me at a speed that could rival the strike of a cobra.

My living room, which not even ten minutes ago was spotless. My once clean walls have colorful scribbles and the culprit is still in the act, Colton, my youngest son at age two. Not but a few feet away from him is Cira, his twin.

She happened to have figured out how to melt her crayons with her magic all over my new light gray carpet that was installed not even 24 hours ago. Now a multicoloured glob accents a good portion of it.

My five year old, Zeva, has been into puzzles lately, not the ones with big pieces that are designed for kids, but the five hundred piece ones. With half of the puzzle completed and the other half spread out all around her. She just has to be so freaking smart and dirty my floors.

And what makes the situation even worse is that my twelve year old, Hayden, sits with his eyes glued to the flat screen playing what looks like to me The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt on his new PS4.

As I said, being a Momma makes you want to pull all your hair out. Nothing stays clean, everything breaks at least once, there's holes in the walls from thrown toys, there's smells you just can't pinpoint, etc, etc. The lists goes on and on.

Just once, I would like to walk into a room I've spent two hours cleaning and it stay clean for more than ten minutes. Especially when there's an important event being held here tonight.

I want to scream! Punch something!

It's gets tiring.....

However, as much as I want to break something, I just step into the livingroom and swat down beside a scribbling Colton who looks like Conner, but with my hair.

"Sweetie, what did I say about drawing on the walls?" I breathe heavily to the little boy as I grab the small package of baby wipes that I carry everywhere in my pocket.

"Not too?" He tilts his cute little head to the side.

"Then why do you keep doing it?" I ask as I wipe the green marker off his arms. And as always, his response is a shoulder shrug.

"Go sit in the time out chair." With a whine and trembling lips, my baby does as told.

"Cira...." I murmur softly. "The carpet is new...."

"'Orry, mommy! I color, ten boom! Met in my hand!" She explains, a grin carving her face in half at her accomplishment.

I can't really be mad about that. Her magic is coming in. Getting on to her will make it seem like she's not supposed to. Plus it's not really her fault she can't control her magic yet.

"You're getting so big! Wait until we tell daddy!" My words causes a squeal to pass her lips.

And with more squeals, she runs over to Hayden and sits beside him to pester her eldest brother.

"I'm done!" I hear an excited glee from Zeve. Turning to her, I see her puzzle is completed. "And it only took me 7 minutes and 12 seconds!"

"Well looks like you're putting your photographic memory to good work." I say as she begins breaking apart her puzzle and setting the pieces back into the box.

"Thank you for cleaning up after yourself this time." I tell her, gratefully.

"I'm growing up, mother. Can't be compared to those monkeys." Zeve snorts.

"You're five!" I proclaim to the Miss Know It All.

"I know...." She tells me, solemnly before dragging her feet across the carpet and out the room.

"Mom, when's dad coming?" Hayden ask me with his eyes still glued to the TV screen.

"He called and said he's on his way." I answer just as the door opens, then in walks Haythem and Conner.

Colton stands from his chair, but I point to it, so he sits back down, his bottom lip trembling.

"I told you stop scribbling on the walls, baby! Listen to me, then you won't have to sit in the time out chair! " I raise my voice a tiny bit to let him know I'm getting tired of telling him to stop drawing on the walls.

"Orry, mommy." Colton sniffles, causing my heart to squeeze.

"If you don't do it again, I'll let you up, but if you do it again. You won't get dessert for a week." My baby grins as he holds out his pinky.

Curling our pinkies together, Colton nods his head. "Pomise mommy!" And with that, he's running over to Conner and his sisters.

"No dessert and TV tonight." I hear Conner tell the kids, then whines and shouts of protest that I'm too tired to even listen too as I fall onto the couch, exhaustion finally seeping into my bones.

"Why! You're mama is exhausted! There's marker on the walls, there's a glob of I don't know on the new carpet, there's spilled apple juice in the kitchen, the frig is open, there's toys everyone. I know your mama just cleaned because I can smell the cleaning supplies!"

"But daddy!" I hear Zeve protest.

"No buts Zeve! Every one of you go to your rooms. I'll call you down when dinner is finished!"

"I didn't even look in the kitchen...." I groan, as I push myself up to head for the kitchen to start cleaning again.

Before I can even step in the kitchen, Conner wraps his arms around me to pull me into his chest and kiss my forehead.

"Darling, you look exhausted. Go lay down." I wrap my arms around his stomach and press my face into his chest to feel his heart beat against my face.

"I have to clean again, cook di..." Before I can finish what I was saying, gentle and soft lips connect to mine to shut me.

"I'll do it baby. You have nothing to worry about. Go lay down, please!" My wonderful husband begs.

"Alright." I give in, with a peck on the lips, I pull away.

However, before I even go upstairs, I turn to Haythem who is standing about three feet away.

"Have fun with Hayden, Haythem. He's a little moody lately, maybe you can get through to him to find out the problem." I say, before I peck him on the cheek, then head up stairs to Hayden's room.

Opening the door, I peek my head in to see my baby putting on his shoes. "Have fun with your daddy baby. I'll see you in a few days. If you need me call me."

My baby nods as he slips on his shoe, before he comes over to me and wrap his arms around me.

"Love you, mommy." He murmurs against my stomach.

"I love you too, baby." Hayden let's go of me, giving me a smile, then he takes off down the stairs to his dad.

Closing his door for him, I head to the master's room to fall face first on the enormous heavenly soft bed.

"What would I do without Conner?" I murmur to myself as my eyes close and sleep takes me under as another day winks goodnight to start again all over again tomorrow.......

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