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If looks could kill.

Then I would be burned alive right now.

He stared at me for a few seconds which seemed to last for hours. But he turned away and took a deep breath.

"Listen Samaira. This isn't about what you have gone through or what I have. It's about how dangerous this is for you."

I didn't say anything. Just stared at him.

"You think I want this. I want to be a killer. To kill unknown people. And for what do you I do all these. For money?" He paused still looking at me gripping the steering wheel so tightly.

"No. I don't now" I said slowly. "At first I thought so but I know that it is more than that. I don't want to pry you for information. But if you say anything, I swear that it wont leave me."

"No," He said turning away. "I don't want to. And why should I. You are a stranger. A teenager who just pokes her nose on matters not concerning her. Now I am politely telling you to mind your own business."

He climbed out of the car and walked away slamming the door.

I stared after him thinking of this conversation.

Crap I should try to control my words. I shouldn't have said all these. He had been a paid assassin. Of course he had seen more than me.

But it also made me curious. What could have happened to him. I know that it is none of my business but still he had just yelled at me for saving him. Where is the fairness on that.


I drove back to my home and quickly going into my room before Myra finds me and bombard me with questions.

My room was so messy right now. I didn't clean it for a very long time and the books and papers was piling up on the desk. I decided to start cleaning it.

I started by arranging all the books. It took more time than it should have as in between the job I decided I deserve a break.

Then I started sorting out the needed papers from the garbage. Ten minutes later the dustbin was overflowing with papers and pens which wont work. Typical me.

Then I came upon an assignment. It has Ryan's name on it but it was my handwriting. Then I remembered. It was a biology assignment we had to submit. But he didn't know anything about the topic and too lazy to research about it. So that night after dinner he pleaded with me to complete it for him. So I stayed up all night to finish it.

That memory made me smile. He was funny and goofy and I was the nerd. He always asks me to do his papers.

So even though he is gone I am stuck up with all these memories. Whenever I think about him my mind goes to the automatic slideshow mode. I remember all those funny things that happened and also the sad ones. About how we comforted each other when our parents died, how easy it was for me to share anything with him.

My vision blurred and I wiped the tears before I started sobbing. The last thing I wanted right now is too break down now.

Then my mind wandered to David and his abnormal behavior today. It sure was suspicious. The way he reacted. And I know that he was about to say something about his past.

Not that it's any of my concern but it still bothered me. I know I'm being so unreasonable. He has no need to tell me anything at all. He is the one who helped me. For that I should thank him not ask questions about him.

But something about him made me very curious. I am not the type of person who looks for excitement and who finds a way to make myself popular. Generally I'm not a very curious person. But this is different. Somehow I felt involved in this.

That's when I realized that I was just sitting clutching the paper for more than 15 minutes. The tears had dried and the calming mechanism of the body kicked in.

Maybe I'm reacting too much for a simple problem.

Or maybe I'm not getting the bigger picture.

But whatever it is, the only remaining emotion for me right now is curiosity. And you know about curiosity. How it has the ability to slowly kill you. By far the worst thing to happen is to be so curious about something you could never know.

But I have to learn it go. I have had all the problems enough for a lifetime.

Just then I remembered something.

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