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I backed quickly till I hit the wall. But of course that would do nothing to stop him. But surprisingly it did. At least he stopped, but continued to stare at me.

Should I take out my phone and call someone? But I don't think he would be standing calmly while I call the police on him. I have seen many thriller movies. Stupid girls trying to escape this way gets beaten left and right.

So instead like a smart girl I stood there staring back at him.

He opened his mouth once and closed immediately. I just stared at him. I wanted to say something but my mouth felt like it had been glued shut.

"Samaira listen to me. You have to believe that I... I have nothing to do with this," He said looking straight into my eyes.

This time I was able to find my voice. "You have nothing to do with this. God how can you even lie like this?" I burst out.

"No please believe me.."

"What are you going to say that you don't know Ben is innocent. That you have no connection with all these threats whatsoever. That you have nothing to do with Ryan's murder." I didn't mind lowering my voice. I know me shouting like this wouldn't make a difference but its like a dam opened. On cue tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Samaira please. I'm as much a victim as you are."

"How's that now?" I asked trying to wipe the tears from my face.

"Remember that day when I found you in my house." I nodded my headed. How can I ever forget that day. "You remember the little girl strapped in a chair."


"She...she is my daughter."

Now I really don't know what to do. If he is really lying then he is doing a act worth a bloody oscar. But if he is not....

"And why should I believe that?" I asked.

He didn't reply. Just bent down and opened one of the drawers in the table and pulled out an old picture book.

He set it on the table. Dust flew from it. When I wiped it I saw the name Lilly written on it.

He sighed and slowly opened it.

In the beautifully decorated first first was a picture of David standing next to a beautiful woman who was holding a baby on her hands.

Strong hands seemed to be clutching my throat like a vice and I found myself forgetting to breathe. Because I know what will be the picture in the next page even before he turned the page.

It was the picture of the little girl who was previously used as a leverage against me.

A single tear fell on the picture. I turned to see David wiping his eyes. He rubbed the picture looking with such an affectionate eyes as if his daughter is standing in front of him now.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything.

Now I completely understood everything about him. How he is in such a painful situation. I couldn't even imagine what he is going through.

"This is taken in her fifth birthday. This is the last ever picture I have of her.

"You know who did all this?" I asked at last swallowing the lump in my throat.

He nodded. My heart lifted. "I haven't seen him. I just know his name is Ayush . Ayush something. I know for certain that he is an Indian and that he is insanely rich. Other than that nothing."

I nodded. "I'm so sorry for what I said and did. If I had known..."

"But you didn't. This is absolutely not your fault Samaira. You too have been through a lot."

"The thing was I was afraid anything would happen to Myra."

"You thought I would hurt Myra? Samaira I love her!"

"You love her?" I asked. This is new information.

He nodded glancing at the next picture in which Lilly was standing with her mother.

"Ever since Vivian died I haven't been able to felt this feeling. Myra reminds me of her."

I didn't say anything. He closed the book and stared at me. "But I'm afraid that anything would happen to her because of me."

"Believe me if she gets hurt, it would be because of me," I said closing my eyes. "I still don't understand many things. How are you involved in this mess?"

"I guess you have the right to know."
He wiped away his tears. "The truth is, I had a rather difficult life. Much like yours in some way. But unlike you I have to move through myself so I admit I did do some rather nasty things but I have never killed someone. Then I met Vivian, had Lilly in my life and slowly my life started becoming normal. It was great." He smiled and it almost felt like those words induced some happiness into him. But I was filled with dread because I know what was coming.

"Then Ayush happened. He somehow thought I would help him torture you. I didn't want anything to do with that. At first he seemed to understand. He left me alone."

He paused for a few seconds. I almost wanted to say him to stop. It's almost like he is going through torture even while telling this. But I wanted to know everything.

"Then we learned that Vivian had cancer. But we didn't have have much money, enough for the treatment. That combined with Lilly's education expenses made my life hell. And that was when Ayush reached out. I didn't want to accept the money he gave, even Vivian protested. But...but when I saw her struggling everyday, see her dying slowly, I couldn't handle it. So I accepted the money."

Now he was crying uncontrollably, hugging the book tightly to his chest.

"A lot of money was used up. But a year later she died. But the debt still remained. Before I realized anything I was inside his tightly knit web. I still didn't see him even once. But he didn't ask anything first, I promised him I would pay the money as soon as possible and everything settled."

"Then he became a constant visitor in my house though he always seemed to disappear before I came home. I didn't like him closing in on Lilly. She adored him for some reason. Said he was her best friend. I had to throw away the candies he gave her saying that it was medicine." He laughed a little. "Then everything became bizarre. He told me to follow you guys. I had no choice but to do what he said. I convinced myself by telling myself that I wouldn't harm you seriously."

"Then he made you come to the club. There he called me to tell to kill you both. I refused. Before I could react in any way your brother did those stupid things. I knew I couldn't save him. So I did what I did to protect you. That's when he took Lilly from me. I did what I did to protect her and made certain that you or Myra didn't get hurt. He wanted to hurt you so much Samaira. I don't know the reason. I have to act carefully, make him believe that I'm on his side. He had speakers everywhere in my house, your house, the car. He even tapped your and mine and even Myra's phone. This is the only safe place because this is his headquarters."

I looked around absolutely creeped. We were literally in the belly of the beast.

"Would you help me find him? I want to put an end to this," I said. I immediately felt guilty. How could I ask him to help when his daughter is been kidnapped by that bastard. Even telling me all this will put her life in danger.

He looked pained. "You know I can't do that right?" I nodded totally understanding.

"I will try to help you only subtly," he said quickly.

He kept the book back at the drawer. "This book is his way of reminding me what should be my priorities. As if I could forget that he has kidnapped and is torturing my daughter."

"Find out the reason why he is doing all this Samaira. I have a feeling that is enough to put an end to all this."

I nodded again. But only if life was that simple.

I still have many questions. But it could wait.

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