Chapter 9- Qualms

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Societies, clubs, the union or becoming a rep were all part and parcel of the university experience .I wasn't sure on whether I had to be picky or sign up to anything and everything at the fresher's year.

I was all about making my routine full and propitious, unlike my tedious high school journey where I hadn't been in a hustle and bustle.

Nicole- the girl with whom I shared a table in English , happened to be the student ambassador for our university.

She suggested I could help Dita -her best friend with the student newspaper and in volunteering in the local area which made the following weeks stressful but all the same fun while mingling with unknown high-spirited people and having mirthful laughter.

I was apprised that Jeff and Chloe had met each other in one of the music society back in their high school and this vital piece of information astounded me since I hadn't heard a word from either of them regarding anything about music .

And so they joined the orchestra where Chloe played Celesta and Jeff played violin. I had presumed that Jeff had always been driven by basketball alone but I was wrong .

Having said my thoughts out loud, I had earned an hour of music therapy at Chloe's home . Jeff had brought his violin and together they played while I sat listening to their harmony , feeling the music flow through my veins and drowning me with euphony.

It looked as though they were full of surprises. One evening, right after I had returned home from the boutique where I worked on the week days , I got a call from Chloe. She informed me that she was dating Jeff . 'At last'  I thought .

Fortunately, their relationship had survived over a month .I still brooded over the little secret I and Jeff kept from her regarding Luke but it seemed  nothing could go wrong now that Luke wasn't ever gonna come back.
He had been enrolled in one of the best universities of Atlanta where he studied business.

And also Chloe had earlier mentioned that she had ignored Luke's calls and after a while she stopped getting one.

I had enquired Ryan about Luke ,on one of our long silent drives and he had informed me that Luke was alright- just a little busy .I hadn't brought up the topic again.

Meanwhile Ryan was getting more and more suspicious about me much to my dismay .He often threw various questions at me which left me no other option but to lie since I would be exposed in case I let out my secret and I was  pretty sure people wouldn't take it that easy if they knew I was a werewolf .

It was Friday night, we hung at one of our favorite bar. A crowd thronged around us and the loud clamour echoed in my ears.

I took a sip from my  beer and placed the glass on the oak table with a dull thud all the while observing Ryan who had fallen silent except for the loud gulbs he made while pouring himself with scotch whisky.

He looked around dazedly asking for  another refill.
"Ryan " I called out disturbed.
He looked up at me but his eyes didn't quite meet mine , they were staring somewhere beneath my chin maybe.
"I think that's enough for today " I said pointing at his glass.

I don't think he had count on how many glasses of whiskey he was consuming.

"Uh uh " he muttered unintelligibly.
I hadn't noticed Ryan placing his palm over my hand .
I was about to withdraw it when he gripped it lightly and I looked up confused.
"I have always been curious-" he started, taking my hand in his and running his thumb over my skin.
"-curious on why you're always this warm." He continued.
"Not that I complain, it  looks like you are running a fever "he told.
I immediately yanked my hand back .

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