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When you came back, the first thing you looked for was Dean. He was sitting next to you, looking down. You looked around, they had moved you to your bedroom. Sam was sitting on the couch on the other side of the room, absentmindedly flipping through the pages of the book you gave him. Castiel was nowhere to be seen. Both of their minds were worried about you, though, and that gave you a strange warm feeling in your chest. 

"Dean?" You rasped, sitting up. Dean looked up at you, bright green eyes shining as if they were a thousand stars. "Hey. How you feeling?" He asked, grabbing your hand. You gasped as the touch sent electricity through you. 

"I am fine, I guess. I have gone through this every day for 6 million years." You said, and Dean chuckled. He grabbed a glass of water off the nightstand and handed it to you. Even though you didn't drink water, you took a sip. 

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. You gave us quite a scare." Dean said, and you nodded before setting the glass back down on the nightstand. 

"How long was I, uh, dead?" You asked, looking at Dean. You could be out from any time between an hour and three three days. "About two hours. Not very long." Dean replied. You could feel Sam's eyes on the two of you, and you blushed as 'falling for each other' ran through his head. He must have noticed, and remembered you could read minds, because his head jerked back down to look at the book. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that. We were talking and I lost track of time." You explained, and Dean furrowed his brows. 

"Wait, it happens the same time every day?" He asked, and you nodded slowly. "7:43 p.m. to be exact. Every day." You told him. He shook his head. 

"Wow, that must be awful. I'm sorry." He said, and it was you who shook your head this time. "It's completely okay. It's just a part of being me. I've gotten used to it, honestly." You looked at the wall, your eyes glazing over, "Dying every day. It doesn't even hurt very much anymore. I'm sort of.. numb." You looked back at Dean, eyes still like pieces of glass. One thought goes through his mind, I don't ever want her to look  at me like that again. That turned your eyes back to normal in a split second. 

"Y/n, just because something happens every day doesn't mean you have to be okay with it. Sam still has his long hair every morning and I'm not okay with it." Dean said, and you laughed. Looking over at Sam, you saw him roll his eyes, looking down at the page. In his head, he was thinking about how he would get back at Dean for that. You couldn't help but want to help him with it. 

"Hey, where did Castiel go?" You asked. Dean sat back in his chair. "He said he couldn't watch it. You dying. He said he had seen it many times before, but this time it was different. He said it was something about me?" Dean said. You sighed. Dean was your soulmate, Castiel knew that, and he left before he could tell Dean. He was keeping his promise. 

"Oh. Okay." You said, running a hand through your hair and throwing the blanket off your legs. Dean backed up a bit, his cheer screeching against the floor as he did so. 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." You said, standing up. Dean shook his head. "It's fine." He said, but you could sense his heart rate picking up. Not to mention that his mind had gone straight to the gun in his pocket when you got up. 

"Well, I have to go clean up all the books in my library." You said. Sam stood up then, closing his book. 

"We'll help you." He offered, but you smiled and shook your head. "I'm going to use my powers, but I need you guys gone. I don't have control over most of my power, and I don't want you guys to get hurt." You explained. 

It was a few moments of silence before Dean spoke. "Alright, but we'll visit again soon." He said, and you nodded. 

"I'd like that." You said, smiling. "Alright, I left my number on the nightstand in case you need anything, or if you just want to talk." Dean said. You bit your lip. 

"Thanks again for the book, y/n." Sam said, and you nodded. You waved your wrist, and they were both gone. You hoped it worked, and that they were back in their car, not stuck in a ditch or something. You walked back into the library, taking a deep breath. 

You raised your hands, palms flat and facing the ceiling. There was rumbling, like thunder, and all the books started to rise. Squeezing your eyes shut, you kept going, the light flickering on and off and wind gusting through. You let out a shaky breath. 

The books flung into their places on the shelves, and you fell to your knees on the floor. You whole body shook, and you raised a trembling hand to wipe the blood trickling out of your nose. It was getting harder and harder to control your powers, the little control that you even had. 

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