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    Once you all got over the initial shock of you being human, you started feeling things you'd never felt before. Or, at least not in a very long time. You were hungry, and thirsty, and tired. But then a though came to you. You wouldn't have to die every day anymore. You were human. And that made up for everything else. 

    Dean insisted that you rest, which meant you wouldn't be getting out of your bed much for the next couple days. He brought a Tv into your room, hooking it up so you could watch Netflix. He showed you all the best shows, showed you how to use it, then he insisted on staying with you in case you needed anything. Not that you minded. You liked him being this close.

    "Dean?" You asked quietly, head rested against his shoulder as a show about crime solving played on the Tv.

    "Hmm?" He hummed in response, brushing his fingers over the part of the blanket that was covering your thigh.

     "Are we going to keep doing the adventuring thing? Even though I'm... human now?" You sat up, looking at him and waiting for his reply. Dean looked at you, and Damn it your heart sped up. 

      "Yeah, if you want to. I mean, it won't be as easy without your powers but we can keep doing it." Dean said, and you smiled before resting your head on his shoulder.

      "Thanks." You whispered, looking back at the Tv. Soon, your eyelids were were growing heavy and a yawn slipped out. Dean looked at you, smiling.

      "Someone's tired."

      "Almost dying will do that to you."

      Dean laughed, turning off the tv and fixing the pillows before laying down. You snuggled up to him, a tired smile tugging at your lips. He wrapped his arms around you, sighing contently.

      "We should go on a date." You murmured, sleep making you say stuff you'd never say if you were fully awake. Dean chuckled, kissing your forehead.

      "I'll get on it. Now sleep." He whispered, and you did as told. You closed your eyes, instantly falling into a peaceful sleep.

     You woke up to the sound of music, and cold sheets where Dean should be. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes and yawned. Getting out of bed, you walked down the hall, following the sound of the music. It lead to the library, where the radio was blasting and Sam and Dean were sorting through all the books from your bag.

      "What's going on?" You yelled over the music, causing both Winchesters to look up at you. Dean turned the music down, standing up and walking over to you. He helped you to a seat, still being overly-protective, before sitting back down.

       "We're moving you in." Dean explained, sorting through books again. Sam smiled at you before looking back down at his pile of books.

       "Oh, then I'll help." You reached for some books, but Dean's voice stopped you.

       "Nuh uh. We're doing this. You need rest. Going from immortal to human is a big change. Take it easy." Dean said. You looked at him, sighing.

       "Fine. Can I go get some water from the kitchen, at least?" You asked. Dean hesitated, before nodding. Muttering a quick thank you, you got up and wandered to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you pulled out a bottle of water.

      "Y/n?" Came a voice. You closed the fridge, looking over and noticing Sam standing in the doorway.

     "Yeah?" You asked, taking a sip of the water. Sam walked over, shoving his hands in his pockets.

     "How are you feeling? I mean.. it must be different." Sam said, leaning against the fridge. You shrugged, hopping up onto the counter.

    "I don't know. It's.. weird. I haven't felt the things I'm feeling in centuries. I'm hungry, and tired, and I can't get the remote with a flick of my wrist anymore." You explained, and Sam chuckled.

    "Yeah, that sounds a little overwhelming." Sam commented.

    "It kind of is. But Dean's been so helpful. Yeah, maybe a little overprotective, but all in all he's been a big help. I'm so lucky to have him." You said, smiling at the subject of Dean.

    "Well he's lucky to have you. You're a great person, and you make him happy." Sam said, and you blushed at the praise.

   "Thanks, Sam. That's sweet." You said, and Sam shrugged.

    "What are you two talking about?" Dean asked, walking into the kitchen. You looked over at him, smiling.

    "Just how amazing you are." You said, and Dean grinned.

    "Well, I am pretty amazing." Dean joked, walking over to you. You laughed, grabbing his hand. Dean smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your knuckles.

     "Alright. I'm gonna go sort more books. You two have fun." Sam said, leaving the kitchen. You watched him go, laughing lightly.

    "So." Dean put himself in between your legs, grabbing your waist, "What now?"

    You arched your back at the contact, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Hmm.. I don't know. What should we do?" You asked, smiling.

    "I have an idea." Dean said, before pressing his lips against yours. You kissed back, reveling in the feeling. It felt amazing to kiss him, and you wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment forever.

A/n: Hello my beautiful readers. I am so so sorry for the wait! I've had really bad writers block, and I haven't had Wi-Fi either. I promise I'll get better at updating, and again I'm super sorry. Thanks for reading!

P.s. I'm writing this on my phone so excuse any typos.

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