Chapter Five

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"Ahhhh gget off mee!" giggled Noah "pleaaa-se Caa-ain, I caaaaant breath!" the little brunette squealed with every breath, as Cain was tickling him all over his lithe body while in bed.

Grabbing Naohs waist and turning him over until the smaller man was pinned beneath him, he carried tickling the over sensitive man roughly whispering "Ahh not until you beg me sweetheart" making Noah pant with laughter and lust.

"Pleee-ase Cain" grinning he asked "what was that again?".

Pulling his arms off Cain's hold as best he could, Noah tugged them until they were around the powerful mans neck. Cain himself halted his actions and wrapped one arm around Noah's waist while the other rested on the top of his thigh, looking into those hazel eyes Noah softly said "please Cain".

The bigger man pushed forward, brushing his nose against the smaller man, gripping him closer "what is it that you want baby?" shuddering at the closeness, Noah couldn't get his words out, instead he showed him.

Gently moving his lips until he was brushing against Cain's plump ones, the large grip on his thigh tightened and Cain pressed Noah further into the pillow as he took control of the kiss, licking and interlacing their mouths closer together until Noah needed more,

Breaking free of their kiss Noah whimpered with need "shh baby I've got you".

Cain moved his mouth to the brunettes neck, soft kisses placed along his throat and gently sucked, while the hand on Noahs thigh started to palm the fornt of boxers "ahhhh Caa-in" ....."



Noah awoke with a shock, in a daze he realized his alarm was ringing, pushing closer he smacked the darn thing off and fell back onto the bed, groaning he thought what the hell was that?

Lifting his fingers he brushed them across his lips and neck, shuddering a dream? oh god it felt so real, why wasn't it real!?

Before he could contemplate on it anymore he heard the front door slam shut.

"Noe you awake yet? Its near one and I got breakfast.. sort of its pancakes!" Anna yelled all the way from the kitchen pancakes?

"Yeah I'm coming A, save me some!!".

Refreshed from his quick shower, he was pulling his sweatshirt on as he made his way through to the kitchen, Anna was shoving pancakes down her gob, while pointing to the direction where she had set Noah an equally large pile.

"I thaved you thome" she stated with her mouth full of chewed food.

"Always the classy one eh Anna" dabbing the sides of her mouth with her napkin in a posh manner she stated with a grin "I don't know what you mean" snorting Noah thought sure.

Grabbing his fork he dug into the mouth-watering pancakes: soft and syrupy, seriously his favourite, both sat in a comfortable silence while they demolished off their food.

"Uhhhh I'm so full, I can't move" groaned A

"Serves you right for stuffing you face greedy guts, don't think I didn't notice you had the larger pile" amused Noah.

"Seriously I need to run or do something; I ate 6 of the extra large ones!"

"ha ha ha yeah, let's go to the gym.. not" sniggered Noah, the gym? do be serious.

Jumping up "Yes noe, where going to the gym! Move it, I need to run, work out, because the amount I just ate is going straight to places that it doesn't need to be going, so ass up Noe, where going!" she yelled while making her way out the room.

Rough. (Boyxboy) [ON HOLD]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя