Chapter 13

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Readers p.o.v

I woke up the next day, still laying close to Slenderman in my bed. A light blush rose to my cheeks as I realised how close we were, but I smiled and nuzzled my face into his chest and sighed happily, but then felt strange. I was in love with a killer, and he wasn't even human. How would he react if I told him? I thought of the many possibilities of rejection I could face, but the worst was him killing me, though I didn't think that would ever happen.

After a while he started to wake up, stretching his arms and sitting up. He looked at me

"Good morning Y/n" I smiled slightly

"Morning Slender" He then gently stroked my cheek and looked at me

"Y/n are you feeling alright? Your face is red" I blushed more and looked away

"Yeah, I guess I'm just feeling quite hot" He nodded then chuckled slightly and I looked at him confused

"What's so funny?" He looked at me and 'smiled'

"Oh its nothing, I was just thinking that it was cute the way you clung onto me in your sleep, and that's probably why your so hot" I blushed even darker and got up

"I'm g-going to go and make breakfast" He nodded and then I left the room going downstairs.

Slendermans p.o.v

I watched her leave the room then chuckled to myself. She was simply adorable. I knew she was in love with me, I could read her mind and actions like a book, and honestly I found it sweet. I could tell she was nervous, but happy at the same time. That made it easier for me, since I had feelings towards her as well, though I didn't know how I would tell her. I had never been good with emotions, but I wanted to do it right for her.

I got up, walking out of the room and went back to my own, but sensed a few annoying killers following behind me. I sighed and looked at them.

"Before you say anything, I did nothing 'fun' with Y/n last night" Jeff and Masky looked at each other and laughed.

"Boss what are you talking about?"

"Your so dirty minded!" I growled and glared at them and they stopped.

" that you've brought it up Boss, did anything happen, like at all?" I went quiet for a moment, considering asking them for help on how to confess, but decided they would only come up with ways to embarrass me, so I shook my head.

"No, I just laid with her and slept, now please leave me alone, I need to get dressed" They shrugged and walked away, so I then walked into my own room, getting ready for the day.

Readers p.o.v

I couldn't get Slender out of my head, no matter what I did. I stood in the kitchen, making some toast but didn't even notice it had been ready for a few minutes. Toby then walked in and looked at me, placing a hand against my shoulder.

"Y/n a-are you a-alright?" I looked at him and nodded my head

"Y-yeah, just thinking about something" He sat on the counter and looked at me

"Do you w-want to talk about it?" I thought for a moment then looked at him. Out of everyone at the mansion, I trusted Toby the most, so it wasn't a bad idea.

"Do you mind if I talk to you?" He shook his head

"I d-don't mind at all" I nodded then sighed and awkwardly rubbed my arm

"I..think I'm in love with...Slender" Toby looked at me, a slight glint of surprise in his eyes.

"R-really?" I nodded

"No one has ever treated me like he has, like I'm something precious. He just...makes me feel special" He nodded

"Have you t-told him how you feel?" I shook my head

"I cant, what if he rejects me? I'm too afraid of that" He got down from the counter and looked at me.

"I don't think he would r-reject you, don't tell anyone, but he treats you different to any human that's been here, and I c-can tell he cares, a lot" I smiled and looked at him

"Thanks Toby" He nodded but I then looked over and saw Jeff, Lj and Masky standing there, smirking.

"So, you do like the boss"

"You should tell him, or maybe we should" Toby looked at them

"Stay out of it g-guys" Jeff chuckled

"Make us Toby" They then left the room and my heart beat increased. We went after them and I grabbed Jeff's arm

"Please don't tell him"

"Why not, he needs to know" He then smirked and chuckled "Slender!" I then looked away, but Toby grabbed Jeff's arm and glared at him.

"J-Jeff d-don't you dare"

"Or what? Your going to hit me with your hatchet?" He laughed and Toby growled, but Slender then walked down the stairs and my heart beat went even faster.

"What is it Jeffery, I'm very busy so be quick" Jeff smirked and looked at me

"Y/n has something very important to tell you" Slender looked at me and I looked away

"What is it Y/n?"

"O-oh its nothing, I d-don't know what Jeff is talking about" Jeff then groaned

"Fine, Slender I will tell you" The room went silent and all I could heart was my rapidly beating heart before he spoke again. "Y/n loves you boss" My eyes widened and watered up. The room remained silent and Toby put his hand on my shoulder

"Y/n its o-" Without thinking I pushed past Toby and all the others, running outside the front door like lightning, and all I could hear was Slender shouting after me, but I didn't care. I was to embarrassed and afraid of rejection, that all I could do was run.

((Thank you so much for reading, I'm sorry for the late update, I've been so busy with school and stuff ;-; anyway I hope you enjoyed!))

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