Chapter 8: Worried About Me?

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I didn't know what it was, maybe the trip to the pool in the middle of the night, the chat with the Asgardian, or being scolded like a child, but I was totally pissed at Barton.

Absolutely and totally pissed.

"Oh, come on, Natasha!" Barton said, badgering me. "It could have been much worse."

"It was pretty bad already," I retorted icily. "You and Isobel. Bet you two lovebirds were glad to send me in a corner."

"You held a gun to her head! That should make you feel better!"

"I did not 'hold a gun to her head'. I simply sat all the way across the area while pointing a firearm at her face. Holding a gun to her head means I stood right next to her with the barrel pointing right at her temple. Which I didn't get the chance to do, but given the opportunity I would have been more than glad to."

"Oh come on, Natasha. You're making a mountain out of an anthill-"

"That metaphor doesn't even make sense. It was a huge deal. You don't just send one of the world's greatest assassins into the corner like a spoilt two year old. You could have handled it more maturely."

"And you could have too. To be honest, you were acting like a two year old. It was ridiculous."

"And so was your decision."

Barton huffed. "You're impossible."


"No, Natasha, it's not whatever."

"Yes it is! You dragged me to your chat with your little girlfriend and all I did was sit in the corner and try not to pull the trigger."

"She is not my girlfriend! She is a goddess, Natasha! Why don't you understand this?! I am not romantically involved with anyone, and especially not with an Asgardian, seeing how they wiped out almost half of S.H.E.I.L.D. in, like, twenty minutes. You just don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?"

"Forget it!"

"NO! If you're going to bring this up, you've got to follow up! You don't get it!"

"I don't get what? That you're a cold woman with a stone heart that doesn't care about anyone or anything other than herself? I get that!"





We were both screaming by now, making the floor shake a little.

"No you don't." I replied. "No one ever does."

"I'm special then."

"You're not."

"Uh huh." I said. "I'm sure you are."

"I do care, Natasha! That's what you don't understand about me So what I sent you in the corner? I was worried about you!"

I snorted. "Worried about me? I'm sorry, but only a soulless being would care about me. I'm the 'heartless killer', remember? The one everyone, don't look at me like that, everyone talks about behind her back? The one every- stop staring at me Barton, everyone is scared of?"


I paused- and then let it slowly sink in before whispering "You were worried about me?"

"When I first got you in Russia, and I was supposed to kill you, I didn't. Why? Because I was worried about you. You needed help! And when I pushed you aside last night, I was trying to make sure she didn't kill you. I don't want you to die, okay? I've seen your temper in action- I really really don't want to know you're dead. And I really don't want your death to be on my hands."

Guys this is the shortest Chapter ever but I can't think of anything to put so I'm just going to end it here. Sorry. Sosososo sorry.

I am stuck and I have an idea for Chapter Nine but I can't continue this chapter becasue I'm stuck and this seemed like a good place to end it. Even if it was on;y 559 pages long


On the other hand, I just started a new fic called Final Companion and it's a Doctor Who/Sherlock crosssover fic. If you're that kind of fangirl, plz go read it. The Chapters are going to be longer than these.


Even if you're not a whovian or a sherlockin plz go read it becasue it's longer, and probably better. And I'd love your imput! I'll take all imput.

Even if you aren't a whovian or a sherlockian (here I go again) i also have some... uh- explinations and stuff. so yeah.

kisses & happy eat nutella day!


P.S. It's not just valentine's day that's nutella day- it's everyday! especially feb 5, cuz that's national nutella day. :)

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