Chapter 6

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Calla Stewart's POV

The next morning my body decided that I needed to sleep in.

Of course this would happen on the first day that my boss was picking me up. He was going to be mad for sure.

I leapt out of bed and into the bathroom. Last night I had the great idea of not showering, telling myself that I could do it in the morning. That was definitely not the case now.

I threw my hair into a ponytail. People would have to deal with my greasy hair today, I didn't have time for anything else. I legitimately had five minutes until Mr. King would be here.

I grabbed one of my black skirts and whichever blouse and bra I touched first then threw them on over the panties that I slept in, the panty lines were going be pretty pronounced today.

I grabbed all of my things, slipped my feet into my flats and slammed my door behind me as I began sprinting down the stairs toward the front door.

Mr. King was just pulling up as I opened the door so I slowed down to a walk in order to appear less like an absolute idiot.

For once in my life though, I didn't care one bit about my appearance, at least for now, before I started thinking about everyone who would see me and what they would think. I was lucky that I even had clothes on with the amount of time that I had to get ready.

He put the car in park right when I got to it so I opened the door and slipped in. "Good morning Mr. King," I said breathlessly while giving him a slight smile.

Thankfully he didn't ask about why I was breathing like a dog on a hot day. He just put the car into drive and pulled out of the parking lane.

I think I just set a new record time for getting ready in the morning. "So, I take it you couldn't figure out how to set an alarm on your phone?" my boss said offhandedly.

Well then. I guess he figured that out.

"Um...," I started awkwardly, was he mad at me? I was still technically on time, right?

"It's fine," he said bluntly, "I'll show you how once we get to my building."

Well, that was going to be kind of difficult seeing as I left it at home.

"I don't have it with me though," I spoke timidly.

He took a deep breath, "Why the fuck wouldn't you bring the phone I bought you? I told you, you needed to have it."

The muscle in his jaw was ticking. He had such a quick temper. "I'm sorry Mr. King," was the simple reply I basically whispered out.

"I'm sorry doesn't answer my question, Ms. Stewart. "

"I didn't think to grab it, sir. It's my fault. I haven't had to think about remembering to grab a cell phone for a few years, I apologize," I said ashamed, my hands were starting to shake already.

"Now we have to go back and get it. You can't seem to do half the things I ask you to," he snapped.

He was right.

I somehow managed to screw up the simplest things. I couldn't even manage to remember a stupid phone. How was I ever going to keep this job?

Mr. King quickly backtracked to my apartment building and parked the car. The whole time I stared ahead trying to hold back tears.

I should at least try to apologize again, "I'm really sor-"

"Whatever, let's go. We're running late."

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