six : i am sheriff dallas

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well, here's an update after sooo longgg!! long chapp!!

grayson just left for his business trip and i was sat next to benson in the living room, watching mickey mouse clubhouse. he was lying in my laps, drinking his milk. i was quite surprised that he didn't mind grayson went for the trip since he didn't even cry or ask him to stay. instead, he waved to his father with wide smile on his face.

freya wasn't there when grayson left. she's always been missing from the house. not that i even care about her but doesn't she feel the need to send her boyfriend off? if grayson is my boyfriend, i would definitely go and send him to the airport, kiss him goodbye and make him promise to come back to me.

i just don't understand how grayson can be so nice and loving while freya is just so mean and hateful. i've nothing against her on the first day i started working here. after knowing that she hits benson for the most weird reason which i assume that she wants grayson all to herself, i just feel like killing her.

benson deserved to be loved. he hasn't been getting any motherly love since he was born. i don't even know if the way i'm loving him is the same as a mother's love towards their kid. maybe i should bring benson over to my parents' house someday.

my phone started vibrating on the empty space next to me. i saw cameron's name on the id and a small smile played on my lips. i slid my finger across the answer button and placed the phone to my ear.

"hello, is this ms finn? i am sheriff dallas, a police officer and i'm going to need to arrest you." he joked once i picked up the phone.

"oh, but why, sheriff dallas?" i answered back as jokingly.

"because the other policemen concluded that you stole something."

"and what is that?"

"my heart."

my heart stopped beating. what did i just hear? did cameron just told me how he felt for me over the phone? i feel heat rushing to my cheeks and i cleared my throat.

"but i didn't steal anything. i kept my hands to myself. i swear, i didn't steal. you can come and check me to see if your heart is with me. because if it is, you're already dead." i sassed.

"wow, excuse me for trying to be romantic. you just had to spoil the moment. it was meant to be a sort of pickup line but you spoiled it with your stupid theory shit." cameron sighed, chuckling a little bit.

"well, it isn't theory. it's just common sense. i mean you wouldn't live if your heart's taken away right?" i questioned him.

"yeah, true though." he answered.

"so.. why did you call?" i asked curiously as i looked at benson.

"hmm.. are you free tonight? do you want to have dinner with me?" he asked, ending the question with an awkward chuckle.

"you mean a date?" i asked again, raising my eyebrows.

"um.. that's if you want it to be one. i have no problem calling it a date." he answered.

"i've nothing on tonight. but i need to take care of benson. grayson left for a business trip and won't be here until next week. i can't leave benson alone. he's too precious to me." i said, giggling.

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