1.17 - His Jealousy

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The car stopped and like every other party, paparazzi was the first one to greet us with their camera's light flashing harshly in front of my eyes. I hid behind Ian and used him as a sheild to make my eyes acquainted to the light. As I finally became accustomed by the lights I followed Ian and Aiden out of the car and hurried the stairs. I hate posing for the cameras but Aiden doesn't agree now, does he? He held my arm tightly and made me smile for few cameras. Ian scowled at our joined hands and then he did something unexpected. He held my hand and pulled me at his side, away from Aiden and towards the huge double door awaiting for our arrival.

I wanted to ask him what is all this but I knew better than to do that. Instead I let him drag me mutely.

Soon we reached big golden double doors where two men dressed in black suits and bluetooth attached to their ears stood at each end. Once they saw us and Aiden few feet behind with a smirk on his face they immediately opened the doors and let us in.

Remember when I said I am scared Aiden's plan might give me a heart attack? I guess that's true but in a good way.

The hall was decorated with blue and white cloth hung on top alternatively and met in the middle of the room with a huge ball covered in small pieces of mirror hanging down. Several tables with white table cloth and golden chairs were placed all over the hall - except a space left in the centre, probably for the dance - where people sat with drinks in their hand or busy talking to someone. A stage was placed in front decorated in white covers with a projector playing the pictures of all the achievements made by Cullen Inc in the past year.

There were several bartenders behind the bar tending the people their needs making me smile. Aiden did solve all my dilemmas. I turned around and smiled gratefully at him which he returned with one of his own.

"Glad you liked it" he mumbled against my ear. "I never said I did" I replied with a smirk and walked away to a corner standing alone and looking at everyone talking animatedly and some group of women looking at other women, passing their judgments and looking at other men with lustful eyes even though they are married. I rolled my eyes at such women.

"Why are you rolling your eyes?" Aiden came beside me with a glass of champagne in his hand making me jump in surprise. "Will you stop doing that?" I gasped keeping a hand on my chest to calm my erratic beating heart. "Didn't meant to startle you" he smirked.

"Sure you didn't" I drawled sarcastically. I averted my eyes from him and scanned them around the hall to find the familiar pair of blue eyes but unfortunately I didn't. A confused frown made it's way up my forehead.

"Where's he?" I asked still searching for him. Before he could answer the chaos near the entrance caught my attention. "What happened?" I asked, alarmed. Aiden looked over his shoulder briefly then went back to look in front of him sipping his champagne like that's nothing wrong.

"The star couple just arrived" he mumbled sarcastically and pushed himself off the wall and walked away. I looked at his retreating back with the same confusion. I turned behind again and all my questions were answered.

Ian walked in - again - but not alone. Clinged to his arm was my sister. They both smiling warmly at each other like a secret joke was just shared between them. I forcefully averted my eyes from them and focused on anything but them, though a question swirled in my mind. If he wanted to go pick Ashley then why did he come with me and Aiden? Though I've spent more then 5 months with this man I don't seem to understand him.

Soon the event started by some long speeches by Will and followed by Ian. Honestly I hate speeches so I tuned them out but as Ian walked up that stage in all his glory, confidence radiating off of him in waves made my heart flutter. Stupid heart. I was so lost in his blue orbs and his pink lips lips moving that I totally forgot he was actually giving a speech.

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