2.31 - Saved and Lost

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     Let it all go - Birdys and Rhodes


“What do you mean sister? I’m the only child.” Ian scowled at the brunette. “Do you really expect that Will never had a relationship after your mother's death?” She scoffed. “He did and ended up having me but when my mother went to him in hopes of him accepting us and putting an end to our poverty, he claimed my mother as a whore and said that I wasn't his child. My mother couldn't bear the rejection and jumped off a cliff in front of my eyes. I was six years old then. Somehow I ended up in an orphanage where I got adopted by a couple who only adopted me to abuse me. I was raped again and again by my 'father’ while my 'mother’ hit me at every opportunity she could get. The orphanage I was in wasn't some reputed one. Nobody came to check up on me, ever. One day things got far then it already were. They were about to kill me but I ran away. Somehow I survived for few days until I saw a picture of you and your dad on a newspaper where you were attending Marie’s son and his wife's funeral.”

“None of this would've happened if he had the courage to accept me and my mom and if not at least he could've given us some money but no, he rejected us. I planned a revenge against him. Used everything I can to find something I can use against him. Had to deal with a lot of crap to find out but finally I did. I found out about the grand-daughter Marie never met. I took her place instead and entered your house.”

“Like she said.” She motioned towards Amelia. “Emotional pain gives more agony then any physical one. I was going to destroy Ian. One day I heard Athena talking with Ashley about her plan to ruin the Browns. I knew I couldn't do things one my own so I joined them.” She finished her story with a sickening smile.

“Why were you after Alison though?” Caleb asked.

“I wasn't, Athena was and I found no harm in it given Ian was in love with Alison so I agreed.” She shrugged nonchalantly like it was a natural thing to do.  

“What about Lilly then?” Ian asked with hesitation. I don't blame him this people kill like it’s their second nature. I shut my eyes tightly when my vision began to get blurry.

“No! No you can't fall asleep. You have to stay awake. Stay awake Alison!” I chanted in my mind.


It was the first time I admitted to myself that I am Alison and boy, it felt good. It felt mine.

“Don't worry she don't have any idea about this. She is currently in France for her studies. That girl was pretty good in her studies so she ended up with a full time scholarship and I know that because we are keeping a watch on her. Although she has no idea about the existence of her grandmother but still, it's better to be cautious you know.” She answered.

“Who is Athena?” I asked. Amelia decided to answer this time. “That would be me darling. It’s just a name I used to keep my identity hidden.”

“But then why was the woman calling you Athena?” I asked while looking at Ashley. “What woman?” Amelia frowned and looked towards Ashley “That day when we were at Ian’s I accidentally left my phone on the table and Alison answered it.” She replied. “You should've been careful baby. Anyway, Ashley uses that name too but for a total different reason. She uses it for charity.” She continued.

I looked at Ashley who looked back at me and smacked her lips together.

“So, you were the one who sent me the note and the mastermind behind the game on Halloween?” I asked. Amelia began laughing at that. “Oh my god! That was so much fun.” Amelia said between laughs. “Best Halloween ever!” Lilly or should I call Samara, piped in. I balled my hands in tight fists, my nails digging in my palms to the point it started bleeding. “It was so fun to watch you run around the carnival like a headless chicken searching for your daughter.” Amelia said.

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