1.21 - The Wedding

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*Ian's POV*

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection staring at me with confusion and unsureness clouding his eyes. I pulled my blazer closer to me and sighed a heavy breath. I don't know what I'm doing or what's happening to me. Today morning I woke up with a terrible headache and as my headache subsided I looked around me and frowned. I had a vague memory of what happened last night but seeing my surroundings I began to doubt it. I was lying on my bed in my house, fully dressed. I don't know last night was a dream or not but it surely felt more than real. Even if it was a dream I can tell that was the best dream I ever had.

I wish it was real though but I know deep down that I wouldn't have the courage to go there and confess my feelings to Alison. Mainly because I'm scared. Scared that she might reject me. She will think what kind of a guy am I who doesn't even know his own feelings?

That's true I had no idea that the love inside me was not for Ashley but Alison until I saw her removing her wedding ring and walking out of the door. My heart screamed at me to go running after her and apologize and tell her that all this was a mistake. I love her but I just couldn't. It was like I was glued to my place, watching her leave my life, helplessly.

It would be a white lie if I said I didn't miss her. I missed her a lot but I couldn't muster up the courage to talk to her or even look in her eyes.

The door of my room opened and Drake walked in with his one hand in the pocket and the other roaming in his hair in frustration. He looked up at my face and scowled.

"Are you kidding me?" He groaned in annoyance.

"What?" I asked with confusion.

"It's like having a dèja vu" he exclaimed. I just raised my brows in confusion.

"Last time when I entered your room, on your wedding you had that exact look on your face. A look that screams 'what the hell am I doing?' " He threw his hands in the air and glared at me. I sighed once again and turned back towards the mirror.

I have nothing to say to him. Probably because that's the truth.

I checked my attire one last time and frowned. Something is missing. I turned towards Drake and asked "what's missing?"

His eyes roamed up and down my body with the scowl still on his face. "The tie" he shrugged like saying the earth is round.

I turned back towards the mirror and saw the plain look. "Call Alison" I said and walked back towards my closet to chose a dark tie. I was sick of wearing black and white suits all the time. This is my wedding not a funeral.

"Alison?" Drake questioned as he followed me inside my closet.

"Yes. Alison" I said without facing him. Few moments passed and I can still feel his presence in the room. I turned around with annoyance clear in my features.

"We don't have much time. Just go"

"What are you doing Ian?" He asked.

"Getting married?" I said but it came out more as a question.

"Why?" He asked and crossed his hands against his chest as if he is hell bent on proving his point.

"Because I love -" he cut me off abruptly by speaking "Don't give me that 'I love Ashley' shit. You and I both know that's not true"

"Oh really? Then what's the truth?" I asked smugly.

"You do remember me saying that there's a difference between first love and true love and my dear friend I think you know what that means now" he said coming closer to me and patting my shoulder.

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