Chapter 5 - Skipping Class with the Bad Boy

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There is definitely something going on with Austin. He's been acting strange the moment he knew about Matt and after that, he never fails to show me things that I couldn't understand.

Thinking about the past things he said and showed me made me really uncomfortable, and those things were—

a.) He told me that he wouldn't let me be together with Matt—which I don't think he would care at all because I know he doesn't like me, especially when he told me that after he's been banging a girl in his room which is disgusting by the way.

b.) He told me that he liked my look before, than what I look now. I don't really know how to react on what he just said to me that time because I must feel flattered that someone appreciates my looks before but I was a bit sadden when he didn't find me any attractive after the big project.

c.) He kissed me when he shouldn't suppose to do it because he does not even like me at all! – but to his protest, he only did because he was testing how would I react. But still find it weird.

d.) He was there when my drink has been spiked, being all protective and what not which was starting to make it confusing as to why does he care at all?

e.) He brings me at his place after the incident, which was something I want to blur in my mind because I don't want to remember it all. He has been clingy, he's been holding me like I'm some sort of his possession when clearly, I don't even remember that we've been touchy since the day we met.

f.) He told me that we're not enemies and we should find out in the near future of what we are which is weird.

g.) Last and not the least, he told me that I should be prepared of what's coming because he wouldn't be seating around anymore which I find it very hard to depicter what does those words meant.

I feel like I'm Sherlock Holmes after remembering every detail. After eating breakfast at Austin's place, it has been really awkward and I was too focus in getting home. Even though I have nothing but just his clothes on, I told him that I think that my parents were home and I immediately run out of his house like a mad woman, I'm glad that the house is already unlock—meaning Elliot is already at home but he didn't saw me that time because he was in the bathroom.

I don't know what is Austin is doing to me that made me think about the past events too much. I didn't even have enough sleep, it was obvious with the eyes because the skin around it is much darker compare to the rest of my face.

"Are you okay? You've been zoning out since you got here." Lila asks, we're at our second period—history. I'm with Lila at this class which was pretty much obvious.

"I'm fine." I hate Mondays and also because I hate history. I really need to throw myself out of this place because I kept on thinking about Austin. What is that guy doing to me? What are his intentions?

Time was so slow but I'm happy to say that it's already lunch time. I get to have an hour without thinking too much with school related activities. I plop down beside Casey and put my tray on the table. Lila followed behind me and sits down at the other side of Casey.

"I don't think if you've noticed but you've been zoning out since the moment you got to school." Casey intervenes. My little bubble of thoughts started to pop and I finally realize that I'm back to reality. Okay, I think I'm having too much Sherlock Holmes by just thinking about Austin's doing.

"You should tell me where you went after the party." Casey suggests, "There are a lot of rumors spreading around the campus you know—after Matt, Austin incident because of you."

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