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I know you're all disappointed, it's not a new chapter but an update in regards with the readers. Don't worry, I'll still continue on updating TMOP once a week on its update day which is on Thursday in our place and would probably Wednesday in the Eastern side depending on the time.

Okay, I'll be getting straight to the point~

I'm really happy for the outcome of this story though it isn't even completed yet and I'm already glad to receive wonderful comments and its progress in terms of the reads when it's not yet one year. In my past stories, it took me a year or two before it could reach 1k and one of the reason may be because I'm new and I'm not like others who had a great impact with other people in terms of the stories they made. Another thing is I have a lot of things to learn especially English wasn't my first language. Though I'm not complaining about it because just like what others say, 'try and try and never give up' and 'good thing comes to those who wait'.

I know that there are some readers who are also writing their own stories in wattpad just like me and may have experience the same things that happened to me before when I was a newbie and I would like to offer a gift.

A prize of which will help my other co-readers and co-writers – particularly to those who are starting to write a story of their own or to those who is already writing a story and interested to join. I don't know what to call this but it's like a token of thanks for all my fellow readers.

Let's just call it as #TMOPgift

The gift of which I want to give to my fellow readers is that I would want to offer of having to customize your book cover in one story that you're about to make or you have made. I will provide at least three customize book covers in the winning participants—just so that they have at least three to chose from. I'm not that much of good designer of which you may say that I'm the cover guru but I'll make it as something that will be appealing or could suit your taste.

To join, please follow the guidelines below;

1. To join, and to know that you're one of my fellow reader of TMOP you need to write at least 60 words of why you like reading TMOP and who is the character in this story that you like the most and why.

2. Always put "#TMOPgift" at the end to know that you're participating

3. You can either post it on the comment section box on this chapter page or you could message me yourself on my profile

4. Since the story is at 5.6K, the deadline of determining the winner is when the story reach 6.1K

5. I'll be selecting three winners depending on their message

6. The prize will be further discussed once the winners are announced

Good luck!

Thank you! Have a great day ahead ~


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