Chapter 7 - I'm Not a Cry Baby

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I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock ringing in my bed side table. I immediately open my eyes to check on Austin because if my mother would come up here and see him on my bedroom, I don't think I could see the light of day. Last night, after Austin had fallen asleep on my floor, I drag him all the way to my bed just for him to get comfy and I don't think I would ever find it any good if he got cold by just letting him sleep on the cold floor. It was hard to drag him on the bed because he was so heavy and I couldn't even carry him because of my poor strength. After placing him on the bed, I took my spare bed covers on the closet and placed it on the floor for me to sleep on. It wasn't really hard sleeping on the floor with my bed covers because my covers are soft and fluffy. I could sleep beside Austin but remembering the incident before make it uncomfortable to sleep beside him.

I got up from the floor and check on the bed to see it completely empty but it was neat. Austin must have fixed the bed after leaving. He didn't even wake me up. There's a sticky note in the pillow and I instantly took it for me to read, "I can't remember how I got here, but I'm sure that it was because of the alcohol because my head still aches. Anyway, thank you for letting me sleep here. I'm a bit annoyed by the fact that you would rather sleep on the floor than sleep beside me. See you later. –A."

A smile forms on my lips after reading the sticky note. It was funny that he finds it irritating that I would rather sleep on the floor than beside him. Well, he can't blame me after the incident last time.

Usually, I woke up at six o' clock in the morning but after the makeover thing, I always wake up at five thirty in the morning to do the girly thing. I know, it's irritating and way to ruin the sleep when I should be still in bed. Sometimes, I recollect if I should still continue this charade because the only reason that I did this was to prove Austin that there is more to me and for Matt to notice me. But to my dismay, Austin prefers my look before, he didn't even compliment on what I look now and Matt, on the other hand, notices me after I had done this which was a bit of a bummer because it made me think that, am I really that ugly that he couldn't even notice me before?

It starting to make me feel that I shouldn't continue this but if I really want to notice me, I should continue but why do I feel like I'm not even happy at all?

I head on the bathroom to take a bath, afterwards, I cover myself with my towel and get out to check on the closet. It always took me too long to figure out what to wear because my mind is dragging me to choose on the clothes that my girls decided to buy while my heart urges me to choose the clothes that I'm comfortable wearing. Should I or should I not? What's the point of choosing when he already notice me anyway?

He may not notice you again.

Great, even my subconscious is playing on my head.

I sigh and diverted my attention to the off shoulder top which was navy blue. I took it out of the closet and matched it with the leggings that Casey always suggests that it goes with it. I let out a heavy breath and went to the mirror to apply make-up. This would take me a lot of time to finish. I'm not really a pro yet, that's why it always makes it a challenge for me to do.

When everything is finished, I check on the clock to see that it's already six thirty two in the morning. I took my bag and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning mom." I greeted her as soon as I saw her seated on the chair. Elliot was already seated across from her and he was eating his eggs and ham which I assume that my mom cooked for us.

She displays a smile on her face, "I will never get tired to see my beautiful girl like this." My mother was surprised when she saw my transformation days ago and she says that she could have the daughter bonding time with me on the mall and on the parlor because of this so called change. I just nodded awkwardly but the moment I heard that from her, I was instantly on the verge to make up excuses so that I couldn't go.

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