Chapter 15

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Kiara's P.O.V

I groaned as I felt the sun rays falling on my face disturbing my sleep, I turned to the other side trying to continue my sleep. "wake up now sleepyhead, it's already 10 in the morning" I heard Claire's laugh, I frowned in confusion "what are you doing in my room?" I mumbled through my pillow, "you're still at the pack clinic babe" she replied.

Then it hit me, I slowly stirred to her side remembering everything that happened yesterday, I sighed and got up, she gave me a cup of coffee with a sad smile on her face.

"good you're awake" Bella walks inside with Gwen behind her "good morning" she smiles but her smile fades when she saw my frown "don't think about him, he's getting a good hearing from his mom and Alex's mom" Bella smirks. "I see that the venom is worn out" Gwen glances at my wound "yeah, it doesn't bother anymore" she nods "well I think we should continue our training" I sighed nodding and got off the bed "I'll meet you in an hour" she nods and walks out.

Claire and Bella took over my duties at the clinic as I needed to be trained, as I entered the packhouse my eyes searched everywhere for Kaden but didn't find him.
I stopped at my old room as in Logan's new room to check on him, he wasn't in his room, maybe he's with Julia.

After having a warm bath to relax my muscles, I changed into sportswear and went out to meet Gwen.

"now focus on the water, try to feel its rhythm, feel its flow, hear its sound, think as if you're surrounded by water, picture it flowing through your hands, concentrate" Gwen whispered slowly as I stood at the edge of the lake with my eyes closed doing as told by Gwen.
Slowly I moved my hand picturing the water bubbles, I opened my eyes to see a small ball of water floating above the lake surface, I smiled and moved my hand a bit up making the bubble float upwards. I moved it to a small plant, making it fall on the plant.

Gwen smiled as she walked towards me, "you're a water elemental, I told you about the elements right?" she asks as we sit on the grass with my legs folded back, I glance at Gwen as she smiles caressing the wildflowers around us.

"they're four elements, water, air, earth, fire" I replied making her nod "your mother was a water elemental too, so I know you got it from her" she looked at me for a second before turning away watching the sunset the lake.

"do you know the other elementals?"I asked her, "Yes, Bella is a Fire Elemental," she said making me gasp in shock "what? She never told me!" I frowned "she never told me too, I just caught her once" she chuckled "remember when you first met her, your hands felt warm at contact?" I nodded slowly "that's because the two elementals came in contact, that's the reason you both share a special bond, fire and water are so different yet so same in some situations. Fire can provide light and guide you through things but at the same time it can burn you into ashes, while water spread peace and fulfil your thirst but it can also drown you to the depths of death" she explains.

"Are you happy that she got a mate here and she's a luna now?" I ask her, she sighs "I'm happy for her but I'm also afraid of the future you both are going to face" she smiles sadly at me, "I don't know what the moon goddess has written for you both. You both are elemental, she's a witch and you're a guardian angel, both are mated to the high wolves, Alpha and Beta, the coming war is nothing when compared to war coming after 20 years from now" I looked at her in confusion "you can see future?" she chuckles while shaking her head "not me, but Brenda can see small glimpses of future, she saw two wars in your future, one which is coming up in few months, it will cause the whole world to know about your existence but you and your pack can go through this war, but the second one" she sighs sadly "it will come in your children's life, your child will be the future for the mythical creatures, that child will have utmost powers of you and Kaden, it can destroy us completely or can save us from evil, but to reach their destiny they may lose many people and I'm afraid about the people who are going to sacrifice their life's for the war to end." as she speaks, I can't help but think that she's hiding something more and I don't know what it is, but I know that she's gonna tell me soon.

Beta's Guardian Mate [UNDER EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang