Chapter 28

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Kiara's P.O.V

"Witch of dark magic?" Bella asked to which the old witch nodded and turned around "follow me we have something to discuss" we three followed Brenda as she walked to her house but she didn't go to her room instead she took us to a different room which seemed like it wasn't used for years. "is this?" Caroline whispered to which Brenda nodded "your mother's room".
"so this is the room of dark magic, is this the place where she did her stuff?" Bella frowned as she looked around the room. "Maria was a complicated woman, we weren't too close but she still stayed with me after her mother died, her mother was drawn to dark magic she used to try to learn them but always failed as she wasn't strong enough to hold that, you see her heart was pure yet she thought some things can be solved by dark magic. In one of her attempts to conquer darkness she died. Everyone was devastated but no one more than Maria itself, she lost her mother, best friend at the same time and in that time of loss she met Demetra, they became friends or should I say more like soul sisters.
Demetra slowly guided Maria through dark magic, she made her believe that it was what her mother would like her to do, to continue her mother's work. Maria was a strong witch she could control any dangerous magic and eventually she succeeded in darkness. She learned all the spells and the sacrifices she had to do for performing certain spells but you see Maira wasn't fully evil she wasn't born for that so never killed innocent people she killed rogues for her sacrifices.
Demetra wanted more so she convinced Maria to teach her how to control the darkness, she made Maria believe that she wanted to help good people by destroying the bad ones and Maria believed her with a blind eye, their both did unpredictable things, Demetra wanted Maira soul to be dark so she made her do Resurrection Spells.
As for witches, it was against our laws to play with nature, we should never play with living and death but Demetra and Maira crossed their limits.
Aurora found out about their acts and came for them, it was then I came to be aware of the things those two have done but it was too late. Maira bought life to some people who died by trading their lives with the living, she didn't know what she did till it was done, she thought saving people who are good but are dying because of some diseases deserved to live so she traded their lives with the criminals and some bad people.
Aurora was furious but with my request, she decided to let them go but not without punishment" Brenda sighed shaking her head.

"What kind of punishment?" I asked "Aurora made them both feel the pain of all the people their sacrificed or killed in their entire life, she warned them that if they ever again tried to do dark magic she would kill them" we gasped at the thought of that punishment "that's harsh and unbearable," Bella said "yes but killing  and resurrection is more than harsh" Brenda replied, "why was my mom was called the witch of dark magic?" Caroline asked Brenda who was looking at books present on one of the shelves in the room. "for centuries no one was able to control dark magic and still stay pure. Your mother was great, Caroline and more powerful than me, she controlled darkness like no one, it never consumed her. That's the reason Aurora spare her life even after she broke our laws, she saw that darkness couldn't control Maria" we all nodded, Brenda, walked towards Caroline "I'm going to call Aurora and see if we can free your mother's soul from Demetra but without the ritual, she can't be at peace. Getting her soul free from Demetra will lessen her torture and in that process, we may succeed at locating Demetra but after we free her soul,  Demetra will come for you all, you see Maria is her sanity and without that she will go on a killing spree. Aurora and I will bring back your mother's body to you but it will take some time maybe days but when we succeed then the next thing is war and Demetra will stop at nothing.
Start preparing for the war, tell your mates and alert your packs. The doomsday is not far away, we must prepare ourselves for anything". Brenda whispered as she left the room before giving some books to Caroline.

"these are mom's grimoires, it has everything she ever learnt and she even invented some spells here" Caroline whispered as tears fell on her cheeks, Bella hugged her and we left the room with the books with us.

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