Part 1

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Originally a glee story.

Dinah Jane Hansen and Normani Kordei were walking through the trees. They had had a great time together, and loved every second they spent together. Even after being together for so many years, their time together was always special, and they always had new experiences.

They had met in the seventeen hundreds. Normani had saved Dinah, and then changed her. When Normani had told Dinah what she was, Dinah wasn't scared. She asked Normani to change her. She had asked to become what Normani was, a vampire. They spend their lives together, feeling the need to be with each other, as the mates they were.

As they walked, the only thing in Dinah's head was sex. She always loved having sex in the middle of the woods with Normani. It always made her feel connected to her girlfriend and the nature around her. There was always something special about it just being her and Normani, alone under the stars. It made the sex special, and the connection between them heightened, making everything mind-blowing.

Dinah was thinking, and searching, of a place to do the deed, and making it as special as she wanted it to be, but there was something else in Normani's mind. Normani had heard something far away, a small sound. She looked around, trying to place the sound. She stopped, and started to walk towards the sound. She didn't know why, but it felt as if it was calling to her. It was telling her to check what the sound was.

"Mani?" Dinah asked, as she looked at the dark skinned girl. She was confused as to why Normani was leaving. She didn't hear or smell anything. She didn't know why Normani was walking to another direction.

"Don't you hear that?" Normani asked, as she closed her eyes and let her ears lead her to the sound. She tried to use her sense of smell as well as her sense of hearing, to see if it would be any help, both senses helped.

Dinah frowned, but followed her mate. She would do anything her mate wanted, even abstain from sex. Dinah was even curious about the sound Normani was talking about. She didn't hear anything, not that she tried that hard. She wasn't as old as Normani; she wasn't as in-tuned to her senses as well as her mate was.

Dinah followed her, until she was finally hit by the scent of blood. The blood was strong. It was calling her. Her mouth watered at the thought of all the blood that must be available. The only thing stopping her from running to it and drinking was the sound. Dinah assumed it was the same sound Normani was talking about. The sound was loud; Dinah couldn't believe she hadn't heard it before. It was so loud and pitchy.

The crying just got louder and louder, as the two girls got closer. Dinah didn't have time to blink when Normani rushed to the overturned car in front of them. The accident looked pretty bad, and Dinah was surprised someone had survived the accident. Dinah could smell three different scents, two of them stronger. The blood, it was a mixture of two different blood scents. She assumed two of the people in the car were dead. The blood scent was too strong. Dinah would be happy to feed, but she preferred the owner of the food source to be alive. It was fresher that way.

Normani started to look at the back of the car, while Dinah waited outside. She didn't want to get messy, although she did crouch down and stared at the two bodies of the deceased. The driver was a dark-haired man. His eyes were wide open, as if he was surprise. The blood was dripping down his head, to his forehead, and adding on the puddle of blood on the roof, that was now on the ground. She looked across him, towards the passenger seat and stared at a brunette woman. Her eyes were closed. Dinah closed her eyes and heard the woman's heart beat. It was very weak, but it was still there.

She rushed to the other side and tried to help her out of the car. She got her out and had her lying down on her back on the ground next to the car.

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