Part 8

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"This assignment will be done in pairs. Because of the odd numbers, there can be one group of three," the teacher said. Three hands went up. "Yes Chrissy, you, Dan and Will can work together. Everyone else, pick a partner."

Lauren leaned back and looked around the room. She was quite shocked to see that Camila was in the class with her. The vampire stood up and sat next to the green eyed human.

"I didn't know you were in my class," Lauren said, a small frown on her face.

Camila shrugged. "I ditched for a while."

"Because of me?"

"Sort of? I just had my head in my ass for a while. But I'll be coming to class more often."

"Good to know," Lauren responded, nodding her head.

"Want to work together?" the vampire asked, giving the other girl a smile.

Lauren nodded her head. "Yeah, uh, sure. It'd be cool to work with someone who has done this a few hundred times."

Camila let out a small chuckle. She shook her head and opened her book. "Just because I'm your partner doesn't mean I'll be giving you all the answers."

Lauren smiled. "Then what's the point of working with you?"

"My looks."

Lauren shook her head. She looked down at the sheet in front of her. "Let's work on this then. Just let me know when I'm close or when I start struggling then."

Camila nodded her head. The two girls worked on the sheet, finishing it before anyone in the class. Having time, Lauren decided to ask Camila about the people in the class.

"How about them?" Lauren pointed to the two girls in the corner.

"They are best friends. Lea is kind of self-centered. When she is in her bubble, it takes a lot to take her out. Dianna is a sweetheart. She is the only one who is able to get Lea back to earth. They're friends, but there are moments their friendship crosses over to romance. But they always deny it."

Lauren nodded. She pointed to the girls behind her. "Now, those two girls are dating. Naya and Heather. They've been together since freshmen year. Naya denied herself for so long, but Heather was able to get her back."

"Is everyone a lesbian?"

"Well, no. Kurt and Sam are dating. They are gay," the five hundred year old said, pointing to the dark haired boys behind her. "And I think Chrissy has a boyfriend in the football team. And you know Hailee's boyfriend."

The other vampire in the room smiled and waved. Lauren gave her a smile and turned back to Camila. "Good to know."

"How about you? Any preference?" Camila asked, smiling softly.

Lauren shrugged. "I've never been kissed. I mean, I've never had an interest in anyone I guess. So I wouldn't know."

Camila frowned, seeing the dilation of Lauren's pupils. She nodded softly.

"And why would anyone not want to be with you?"

Lauren smiled. "My mothers are really protective. Everyone has been scared to get close to me because of them."

"Oh yeah. I get the vibe. I don't really know how many times I've been threatened by them."

"Yeah, they do that. I remember this girl who bullied me back in my old school. My mama, Dinah, she'd compelled a bullied to leave me alone. I was like nine or ten or something."

Camila laughed. "If I had a child and I was able to compel them, I'd do the same. It must be great, having vampire parents.

"It was awesome growing up. I loved it."

And I Have Felt the Pain of Losing Who You AreTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon