Part 5

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Lauren got out of bed, feeling even more tired than the night before going to bed. She kept having nightmares. Some of the nightmares involved Camila or her family. Others were about the accident that killed her birth parents.

She didn't know why she was having nightmares. But it was taking a toll on her body. She was having more frequent asthma attacks. She was feeling fatigue most of the time.

She walked into the kitchen, and saw her mothers in the kitchen. She sat on her chair, the chair that she always used, and watched her mother's cook. She smiled, happy to have them in her life.

"Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale," Normani commented, as she watched her daughter. She remembered the first time Lauren had gotten her first asthma attack; it had worried them so much.

Dinah and Normani were in the kitchen. Lauren was out, playing with some other children. They were about seven years old, the same age as Lauren.

They were talking about the next place they were going to move to. People were starting to notice them. They were in the middle of the conversation when one of the children rushed in, screaming for him. He was crying, scared. He was telling them that Lauren couldn't breath. Dinah and Normani ran out, in normal speed, to see a blue Lauren on the ground. Normani and Dinah looked at each other, not sure what to do. They didn't know what was happened.

They knew about asthma, they knew about other diseases, but when it was their child that was sick, all logic went out the window. They held Lauren close, not sure what to do. Another mother ran to them, explained to them what was happening. She had a child that was asthmatic. She gave them an inhaler that helped Lauren. Soon, the adrenaline wore off, and Lauren passed out in Dinah's arms.

The two vampires hadn't been worried in so long. They got Lauren an inhaler and had been cautious around her for years.

To this date, they still worry. They are scared that Lauren would have an attack, and they wouldn't be around to help her.

"'m fine," Lauren answered, her voice laced with sleep.

Dinah smiled, as she watched Lauren. She had also noticed how her daughter had been acting, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried. She knew she had to keep an eye on her daughter. She just had too.


Ally and Lucy stood together. There were best friends in the house. Ally and Lucy were close in human age; they were able to connect quickly. They were complete opposites, but they were able to balance each other out. They were able to complement, say things others would dare say.

Shawn and Camila were great friends. He was closest to her. Lucy was a little jealous of that. She was jealous of everyone. They all had a good relationship with Camila, and she didn't have one. Camila just pushed her away, and it hurt her at times.

Shawn and Troy got along great. Harry was a part of their friendship. They boys were similar, all sporty before their "deaths." They're personalities were different. Troy didn't care what people thought. He thought with his muscles. Harry was a little more of a thinker. He was geekier. While Shawn was a little of both. His past with vampires made him that way.

And Hailee and Lucy were good friends. They had a few things in common. They were the last two to be changed. Hailee was one of the first to accept her in their family. She was like an older sister to Lucy, helping her with what she was.

"What are we going to do about Camila?" Ally asked, frowning. She hadn't gotten any idea as to how to help Camila.

"The first thing we have to do is make her admit that she is Lauren's mate," Lucy responded, as she tried to think of ways to make Camila say it.

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