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It's finally here! The prologue of my new story!
Unlike my other published stories, this one is written in third person, so I hope you won't mind and give it a chance. I always liked the third person more; it's flexible and makes the storytelling more detailed, at least for me.

A fact: The town at the beginning of the prologue is fictional. If there is, by any chance, a city with the same name, it's just a coincidence!

Another one: Corey's nickname is Rey, so don't be surprised by the sudden change!

Anyway...hope you will enjoy the chapter!


April 2032

Corey was sitting in the grass by the only lake in their small town of Oakborough, waiting for his three best friends to get there, and watching couple of dragonflies in the meantime. They were flying from reed to reed, dancing in the air around one another as if wooing the other one to come closer. It was a fascinating sight for Corey.

It was middle of spring. The sun was high in the sky, as it was just few minutes after 2 P.M., and the temperature was getting higher and higher with each minute. Corey loved this weather. He could sit by the lake for the whole day, enjoying the mild temperature and fresh wind that was ruffling his hair, and he would never get bored of it. It was extremely relaxing and soothing, helping him forget the real world and all the troubles associated with it. Sometimes, he thought it would be better to just run away and build a small house deep in woods, so he could live far away from the corrupted and rushed place the world has become. But it was impossible. He was not good at manual work. And gardening? His grandmother gave him a cactus for his 12 birthday. It died two months later.

It wasn't like he didn't try; he was just extremely clumsy, to say the least. Every time he tried to build some kind of thing, for example a birdhouse he was supposed to create first year in a high school, the whole project ended disastrous for some unknown reason. Corey liked to call it a curse, but his mother always said he just took after her in that department.

A sudden "Hey!" sounded behind him, startling Corey and bringing him back to reality from the dreamland he was in just a moment ago. He turned around, and his face lit up with bright smile, when he saw his friends climbing up the small hill that led to the lake.

"Finally! What took you so long? You were supposed to come almost an hour ago!" he said, feigning irritation.

All of his friends knew him very well, so they were aware of his love for nature and the peace and quiet it offered. More than once did they come late intentionally for Corey to get the desired time off. This time, however, was not one of these days.

"We were buying some drinks and snacks, when we saw the News. Rey, you won't believe what the scientists discovered!" Adam, the tallest of the boys, said, voice full of excitement and eyes shining like two little suns.

Adam was your typical jock; tall, muscular and wide-shouldered, with sandy brown hair and brown eyes. Girls swarmed around him like ants around sugar, and his girlfriend had different name almost every week. But he was a great friend, one that would never betray you. All of them were.

Corey looked at him skeptically, trying to come up with different possibilities as to what was so amazing to have him this thrilled. The problem with Adam was, he got too excited over stupidest things ever. One time, as Corey remembered, he stormed into his house, without being invited, and babbled nonstop about this cool and awesome horse he saw when he was jogging. It was one of the few times Corey really wanted to beat him up because it was early in the morning, and he was still in a deep slumber when his friend barged in his room, yelling.

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Where stories live. Discover now