Chapter 4

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"I can't feel my face when I'm with you...

But I love it...but I love it..."

The dancefloor was full of bodies gyrating against each other as the music blared in the background, drowning out the whoops and whistles of the dancing crowd as well as the people who were singing along. The room was hot and humid and the smell of weed and cigarette smoke lingered in the air. There were strobe lights swinging around the dimly lit room, slightly slowing down the action as it happened. The crowd was clearly excited, everyone into every song that was being played, or maybe just too drunk to really care. Every few minutes a couple would break away from the dance floor, off to find somewhere to hook up.

The girls had found themselves in the middle of the dance floor somehow. They lost Victoria, Tiara, Daniel and Taylor at some point, no prizes for guessing what all of them were probably doing right now. Allegra, Kaela and Alyssa had yet to spot the objects of their own desire so they decided to search for them and what better place to look for people than in the most populated part of the house?

From where they were standing , the girls had a perfect view of the of the DJ booth where they could see their friends working the tables.

"Is everyone having a good time tonight?" One of the DJs screamed over the mic.

The crowd roared back in the affirmative that they were having a great time.

"For those of you who don't already know, I'm DJ Cheese and this right here is my girl DJ Cracker and we're in charge of the music tonight." He continued before shooting a wink at his fellow DJ whose cheeks went a little pink even as she rolled her eyes.

"Since we've been keeping y'all entertained, we think it's only fair that you entertain us a little," DJ Cracker said into her own mic.

"So we were thinking we should have a wet T-shirt competition..." DJ Cheese joined in.

"But for the men!" DJ Cracker interjected and shot him a smirk before continuing, "Fuck the competition, every boy in here. Take your shirt off right now!"

DJ Cheese gave her a disgruntled look at this but she just laughed into her own mic as all the girls, and a few boys, cheered in approval to the idea. The cheering turned into screaming as one by one, boys started shedding their shirts.

"NOW it's a party, " DJ Cracker crowed before starting up the music again and eyeing some of the bare chests appreciatively, totally missing the jealous look DJ Cheese was shooting her way.

"Why do they bother with those ridiculous names?" Allegra shouted to Kaela and Alyssa.

"That's what they get for getting high and making it official on their webpage." Alyssa responded laughing at the memory of their friends, Sebastian and Ally thinking they were geniuses for coming up with their DJ names after getting the munchies.

"Forget that," Kaela said, "How is Ally still so oblivious to the fact that Sebastian's basically in love with her?

"You right!" Allegra said, "I've been waiting for him to just come out and tell her already."

"They'll figure it out," Alyssa said dismissively,"What I'd like to figure out is where the food is. I'm starving."

Allegra and Kaela nodded in agreement, "Yeah", they said, "Let's go find something to eat."

The three girls linked hands, with Allegra leading because she could see over the crowd, and started the long trek towards where they assumed they'd find food, behind the DJ booth because they knew their DJ friends would have some food nearby. Allegra felt Kaela tug on her hand and looked back for a second to see what the problem was and in that moment, she felt herself walk straight into someone, hard enough to send her stumbling back a little. She lost her grip on Kaela's hand and turned to face the person who'd rudely let her stumble into them.

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