Chapter 10

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She wasn't sure just how long she sat there among the ruins of what had undoubtedly been the best few hours of her life but she knew it was entirely too long. She couldn't sit here wallowing in sadness when she still had to find Levi and make sure she wouldn't regret her choice. She had to get up and go back to the house and find Levi and then...well, she still didn't know what but she knew she had just ruined anything she could've had with Parker.

Parker, her heart constricted painfully at the thought of him. She had to figure out what she had to do and she had to do it before the night ended.

She got up when she heard hurried footsteps approaching from behind, for a moment, she hoped that it was Parker coming back.

"Oh, I didn't know anyone was down here." she heard a voice that definitely wasn't Parker's say from behind her.

She felt her heart simultaneously sink in disappointment and leap in anticipation. It just couldn't be possible that the man she was about to go searching for had found her instead. She turned to look at Levi as the moment she'd been waiting for, for far too long finally arrived.

He smiled at her sheepishly,"Sorry, Parker told me I could hide out down here for a while."

Her throat constricted painfully for a second, making it impossible for her to swallow as she took in what he told her. Parker was helping her do what she set out to do, even if it hurt him in the process. She cleared her throat slightly and forced herself to smile at Levi.

"And what are you hiding from or should I say who?" she asked him as lightly as she could.

He grimaced slightly before running his hand down his face in exasperation before uttering one name,"Cherry."

She felt her heart leap with joy and just a hint of satisfaction at this news.

"Oh yeah? Most people don't run from their girlfriends." she teased.

He smirked at her,"Most people aren't dating Cherry."

His eyes zeroed in on the area behind her,"Nice set up there, mind if I sit down?"

She shook her head slightly,"Nope, go ahead."

He smiled at her gratefully before plopping down onto the pillows and helping himself to what was left of the drinks she'd been sharing with Parker. She shook all thoughts of Parker out of her head before sitting down in front of Levi who was giving her a friendly smile.

"So, are you hiding too?" he asked her as he casually sipped his drink.

"No, actually, I came here looking for someone tonight," she informed him.

He raised his eyebrows at her interestedly,"Anyone I can help you find?"

Smiling she said,"You tell me why you're hiding from your girlfriend and I might tell you who I'm looking for."

He chuckled at her, interest lighting up his eyes as he fully took her in for the first time, "If that's how it is. Cherry's just being really difficult," he said rolling his eyes,"She's just always on my ass about some dumb shit I really couldn't care less about you know? Nagging me all the fucking time. Like just now, I'm trying to have a good time and enjoy my last senior party and she won't even let me have that."

Victoria did a little happy dance inside, trying to stifle her smile, she put on her best sympathetic expression before reaching out to put her hand on his thigh,"I'm sorry. You deserve someone better. What did she do that sent you running?"

He placed his own hand on top of hers as he smirked at her before tracing patterns on the back of her hand with his finger, he put his drink down before moving himself closer to Victoria, pressing his body slightly against hers.

He spoke to her softly as his hand slowly trekked up her arm,"I'm glad you understand. I bet you would never do something like that. I've noticed you around school you know? I can just tell that you're just a really chill kinda girl. My typa girl."

By this point, their faces were barely inches away from each other. Victoria simply hummed softly in agreement as his hand finally reached the back of her neck, tilting her head up slightly.

"Anyway, she flipped her shit because she caught me making out with Sophia. Seriously, threatening to kill me over a kiss."

This jolted Victoria out of her Levi induced haze and away from the lips that had been swiftly descending towards her own.

"Wait, what!?" she exclaimed, pushing him away."You made out with Sophia!?"

Looking surprised and wide-eyed he replied,"Yeah, I mean, okay...maybe my hand was under her skirt too but a kiss isn't anything to get all worked up about."

She looked at him incredulously,"You're fucking kidding me right!? Cheating on your girlfriend is nothing to get all worked up about!? Oh my god, I was about to let you cheat with me too!"

He rolled his eyes,"Come on love, a bit too late to get on a high horse now. The fact that you were about to help me "cheat" too means that you don't think it's a big deal either. I'm sure she's just mad that she caught me this time."

Victoria couldn't believe what she was hearing. All the fantasies she'd ever had about Levi came crashing down around her. Was this boy for real? He was right, she was about to do something bad but she wasn't the one who had a girlfriend. But...she could've had a boyfriend by now if she hadn't fucked it up. She felt sadness wash over her before anger overrode it. Anger at herself and anger at Levi.

She stood up before pouring what was left of the drinks over Levi's head,"Listen here you piece of shit. Cheating is a big fucking deal. NO ONE deserves that and yeah, I had a moment of weakness but that's over now. I cannot believe I ever thought that you were decent let alone worth even a second of my time. You're disgusting and Cherry deserves better. Don't ever let me catch you in these streets alone because you'll catch these hands hella quick."

She flipped him the bird with a victorious smirk at his dumbfounded expression before turning on her heel and heading towards the house.She felt herself come down from her anger fueled high as she suddenly remembered that she didn't have Levi or Parker now. She stopped in her tracks for a second as she tried to think of what she was going to do.

She felt so stupid for ever letting Parker slip away from her. She wanted a second chance, even though at this point she wasn't sure she really deserved one. Squaring her shoulders, she walked purposefully towards the house. She was going to get Parker back and she was going to need her friends to do it.

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