Chapter 13

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The crowd was singing along to the band and the feeling in the room was now more like a concert and less like a party. Less people were grinding and more people were searching for their friends so they could sing along and say goodbye to their high school years together. There were drunk girls hugging and screaming "I love yous" to each other.

Ally was watching everyone fondly. She'd kinda miss this. She watched her friends perform proudly, she remembered when they'd formed the band and she couldn't believe how far they'd come. She could hardly believe she was a DJ now and with Sebastian no less. Not the there was anything wrong with Sebastian. She glanced over at him, he was talking to one of his guy friends and he lifted his hand to give his friend a high five as they both laughed at something he'd said. The muscles in his back rippled and flexed under the slightly damp shirt that clung to his back. Nope. There was definitely nothing wrong with Sebastian at all. She felt her face flush as he suddenly looked over and caught her looking. He gave her a vaguely amused look and she tried to convince herself that the heat in her cheeks was a result of the sheer number of people around her before turning her eyes back towards her friends.

"Yes Ally?" she heard him husk in her ear suddenly.

She stiffened before forcing herself to relax and turn to face her best friend.

"I didn't call you over here," she told him calmly.

"I know but you were staring so hard I figured you needed something," he told her with his infuriating smirk.

She smiled sweetly in return, "Now, what could I possibly want from you?"

His eyes roamed over her face for a minute before his arm shot out and wrapped around her waist. She let out a surprised gasp as she suddenly found herself pressed up against him. She shivered involuntarily as she felt his breath fan her face and stiffened again as she realized how close his face was to her own.

"I don't know, but I think you know what I want from you," he murmured so lowly that she wasn't even sure she'd heard him right and if she had, she wasn't sure how she'd heard him.

Her heart started racing as his words finally registered. She felt herself start to panic and she didn't care to stop and wonder why. She started squirming to get out of his hold.

"No, I don't," she denied hotly as she tried to move his arm.

His only response was to chuckle and loosen his hold. She breathed a sigh of relief only to find herself suddenly being propelled away from the party.

"Sebastian!" she squealed as he dragged her away from the dance floor and out onto the patio.

Her body was still moving forward when she suddenly found herself between a rock and a hard place. The cool walls of the house and Sebastian's seemingly rock hard chest. When did he get so muscly? She wondered vaguely. A warm finger tipped her chin upward and she found herself staring into blue eyes.

"You wanna tell me that lie again?" he asked her.

She moved her chin from his hand and chose to look at his chest instead.

"I didn't lie," she huffed.

She could almost hear him roll his eyes at her,"We both know that what I want is you. I just haven't said it because I was scared you'd run and look at that, you were almost running before I'd even said it."

Well, she didn't know how to respond to that at all. It wasn't that she didn't want him, quite the opposite. She wanted him, a lot, which was the problem. Wanting people this much only led to being hurt and she wasn't up for that, especially not from her best friend. The logical part of her knew that he'd never hurt her but the other part of her was too scared to really listen.

She felt his chest move as he sighed,"Ally, we're basically dating already and you know it. We spend all our time together, we know everything about each other, we have feelings for each other, we DJ together... All I want to do, is put a title on it."

She bit her lip in thought, "I know all that...I just..." she trailed off helplessly.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I would never do that. Don't stop trusting that just because our relationship is getting a new title," he told he softly.

She finally looked up into his eyes again and smiled at the sincerity she saw there.

She sighed in mock exasperation, "Okay, there was no need for you to get all mushy on me."

She felt his chest move as he laughed, "Can you move now please?" She asked him.

He smirked down at her, "We haven't even sealed the deal yet."

She laughed, "That sounds like a lot more than just putting a title on it."

He just rolled his eyes before leaning down to kiss her. Ally giggled into the kiss. Cheese on a cracker. Just as it should be.

"About damn time," Ava said, effectively ruining the moment.

They broke apart to find her standing by the door.

"Are you going to make out all night or can we go?" she questioned impatiently.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow in question, "Go?"

Ava was already on her way back into the house as she called back over her shoulder, "Don't question it DJ Cheese, just follow the damn leader."

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