Chapter 2

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Above is kerra and Josh


Sitting outside by the lunch yard with josh was very silent besides the noise josh was making while eating

"Mrs Grey, why are you so quite?

"mr.Tommy, why are you? maybe im thinking about you?"

Josh moved his hand up my skirt and i quickly shoved him off

"Fine Mrs.Grey"; "BTW your thinking about me but you can't touch this", he said standing up and pointing at his stuff

I shrugged and giggled. "Fine than you can't have this.... But maybe its a win win situation" lol i said standing up beside him pointing to my breast

"Your bad"

"i have to be sometimes"


Class went surprisingly fast... Great, im about to see my father.... Maybe im freaking myself out for nothing, till of course, i heard my dad interrupt the last 15 minutes of class. My teacher immediately stopped what she was doing

"Good afternoon, Mr. Grey, how can i help you on this fine day"?

Yuck she was flirting with him, ugh so nasty! Typical tho, everyone wants to flirt with my dad and its so annoying. My dad is NOT attractive. Yuck ewe nasty!

"I need to pick up kerra, its urgent."

Fuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk dude. Haylee gave me a i thought he was okay after my mom called look. I hurried and picked up my things and followed him out the door. Tonny, our driver opened the door and quickly shut it once we where in.

"I thought you were okay? " I blurted out.

"I am?, what makes you think im not?"

"I'm sorry i fell asleep at Haylees and Mrs.Sanchez's house; I was worn out from our popcorn project that I kindly took the offer to take a nap which leaded to a deep sleep and they didnt awake me." I said hoping he wouldn't be furious

"I know, i was told, but why would i be upset?" my dad questioned looking curious

I looked down. "The time i passed out at Danielle's house... I just thought you would be mad"

"That was different, you went without asking me and i didn't even know her or HER parents?, do you know how that made me feel? That my daughter was missing and i didn't even get a call from you or anyone? That i thought something happened to you and our security stayed up all night locating you till they found you?

"Im sorry dad really that was a long time ago besides you blistered my ass for it, but why am i being picked up early?"

"I talk to Gina ( haylees mum ), you will stay with her till sunday, im having to go to new york for a meeting?"

I stood there and shock lol he is actually letting me stay behind, yes yes YES!

"That does NOT mean disobey, sneak out or doing anything that i wouldn't allow, you do understand me?"

"Yeah yeah promise"

I was to busy thinking about the fun ill have the next 6 days with haylee.. SLEEP OVER

"I mean it kerra, i will blister your ass.. Ill be down here quicker than a fly"

"Yes sir, i promise"

" i was meaning to ask you, who is josh?"

"A friend"

" a friend huh? Than why did i hear that yall were holding hands and the hall way?

"Waaaa um he kinda..."

My daddy chuckled a deep chuckle. "Look kerra, you are 14, i kinda figured you would be into boys sooner or later, besides Josh seems like a decent young boy."

I giggled. "Sooooo dadddyy.... Does that mean i can go on a date ?" I asked hopefully.

"Don't push it" he replied.

I shrugged my shoulders and yawned, Least he said, push it, meaning maybe lol im so sleepy what's up with me lately? Lol school makes me tired.

"Kerra, I don't want you to be afraid to talk to me about guys, or going out on a date, or... or.... Sex." he said barley above a whisper

No way will i talk about this with my father... No no no no.. Awkward!

"Which wont be an issue because there will be no "STUFF" going on, right, besides you will have a gaurd if i do decide yall can go on a date?" he stated

"What about the dance? What if he takes me there as a date, would i need a guard?" I asked

"From now on you will have a gaurd following you around, so if u pass out at a friend's you will be carried back by him, if you shouldn't be doing something you shouldn't he would notify me immediately and ill handle you, noone is going to hurt you" he said sternly

"Ugh okay"

"Seriously though" my father replied bringing hand up to my chin and pulling it up to meet his "I know its not something you want to talk to me about but with you getting curious and not having Bells around ( his wife and her mom ) there are most likely things you would rather not talk with me about, but i am here always..or Darlene too, if you feel more comfortable talking to her thats okay and im sorry im overprotective, you are all i got and im not losing you, i won't, i wouldn't be able to live if i lost you too."

I let a tear slip. "I know, daddy"

Daddy quickly grabbed me for a huge hug while rubbing my back in circles

"I love you kerra"

"Love you daddy" i said letting go to unbuckle my seat belt as the car stopped

Kerra below as a child

Kerra below as a child

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When i was a child my mother passed suddenly. My dad worked all the time but after she passed i went everywhere with him, meaning school work online when im out. He don't go out for meetings often. He works M-F 8 a.m- 4 p.m and i was watched by a babysitter till i hit school and my dad or driver picked me up. I miss my mom but i know that she is not hurting anymore! Growing up was weird because i don't have a mom figure lol that's probably why i love Mrs. Darlene! Once my mom died; he promised he would spend more time with me even if it means punishments, groundings and being up my ass!

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