Just Fantastic

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Great..... Mrs.gena and Hannah had a family emergency and im having to stay with my uncle, hes not mean just protective as well as my dad and granted he has never busted my ass before and im not sure if he ever will but he sits me in a corner like im fucking 4! Stupidd huh? My father had a important crisis at work and he is having to stay home for at least 6 weeks and that is the longest he has been gone since i was 3.. But my uncle offered to watch me while he does what he needs and i wpuldnt be such a distraction..  I guess it should be a good time to actually go on a date and not be told no lol but anyways my uncle came in got me from Genas house and acted like nothing ever happened

"Hey baby doll" he said as soon as i got in his truck

"Hello, Uncle Neil" i said sarcastically and he quickly looked at me sympathetic

"Look, i know you are disappointed that things came up but i hope the next 6 weeks i can cheer you up" he said looking into my eyes hoping to warm up to me after not seeing me in 5 long months ( yes not long but to her it was )

"Sure, lets just watch movies and play video games all day, not my cup a tea, i much rather be bored in the attic throwing hoops at the ceiling" i said with much more attitude

He looked at me with a stern look and said in a tone of matter of factly, " i have no clue why you are being such a brat but it better stop, yes, i have not seen you in awhile but i had work and i was busy with meeting deadlines but to come see you and get attitude?? You will have the same rules that your dad has with you with me and i dont mind punishing you, lets just have fun this month and get along" he stated as he turned down the street to my house

"What? Are you going to punish me by standing me in a corner?? Or ground me to my room?? Ohhh wait take my electronics thats better than dealing with people who dont give a shit" i shouted

He pulled into the driveway and looked me right in the eyes and said " young lady i will not tolerate you being such a bratty little girl, im sorry something came up with your friends and they had to leave in a rush or your dad had some serious stuff to deal with out of the stae but you will not take it out on me, you never ever talked to me like this before why now??  Better watch your mouth and be respectful.

I simply just ignored him and grabbed my bags in ran to the door in walked inside without of course slamming my door and went to my room!


Im so upset, i was suppose to have a great week with my best friend and i have never got the privilege to do so and now that the situation happened with her now my dad?? I shouldn't be harsh on my uncle but im upset and he hasn't even bothered to call or text to check on me in a very long time and we were best buddies! I guess he let me have my space because he hasn't came in to check on me for a great while.. 1 hour turns into 6 in than BOOM

"Kerra its dinner time, i made your favorite" he yelled from downstairs


To be continued

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